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小细胞肺癌,化石还是陨石?。Small Cell Lung Cancer, Fossil or Aerolite?

陨石的研究和收藏等若干章节。Investigation and collection of the Aerolite.

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没有人知道为什么会有陨石从天而降。No one knows why there is aerolite from the sky.

我仿佛成了一块陨石,等候命运的安排。I am now like an aerolite waiting for my destiny.

但我这次捡到的却是经过水流冲刷成为鹅卵石的玻璃陨石。It is marvelous that these pieces of aerolite I get are pebble.

也有完整的,我也见到过锲入地层中保持原状的完整玻璃陨石。There are some aerolites that keep original shape. I even found one round aerolite in earth in original place.

他认为这是一个吉利之兆,所以他来到了陨石坠落的地点并发现了一个罗盘。He thought that this aerolite was a lucky thing so he came to the place that the aerolite landed and found the plate.

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我发现玻璃陨石卵石的地方就是一个古老的地下洞穴,后来被冲积物填平了。Where I found the glass aerolite was a sink hole long ago and it was fulfilled with outside materials through long long term.

我曾经发现一个小的郧击坑,里面陨石碎片紧紧地靠在一起,可你却怎么也无法将其复圆,甚至它们的轮廓连一点联系你都看不出来。I found an aerolite spot with about ten pieces of broken splits. You can not reassemble them cause they are totally have no any continuity in outlining.

以后又来了好些人,说这是一块陨石,从天上落下来己经有二三百年了,是一件了不起的东西。Quite a number of people came afterwards, saying the stone was a piece of aerolite which had fallen down from the sky two or three hundred years ago-what a wonder indeed!

预期进一步的研究,终将表明达尔文的渐变进化论和现今提出的陨击灾变进化论的交替发展,有可能为完整进化论的统一创造条件。After further researching, it will be finally shown that is alternate development of Datwin's gradual changed evolution and present calamity changed evolution of aerolite impact.