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他种稻。He grows rice.

加了一些饭。I add some rice.

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他靠种稻为生。He lives on rice.

饭已经熟了。The rice is done.

克桑•赖斯报道。Xan Rice reports.

可爱水稻电子贺卡。Cute Rice E-cards.

农夫种稻子。Farmers grow rice.

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俺们吃了年糕句号。We eat rice cakes.

米饭闻起坏了。The rice smells bad.

调味年糕.Flavoured rice cakes.

我吃了一碗饭。I ate a bowl of rice.

我想吃米花糕。I'd like a rice cake.

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主林木是米。The main crop is rice.

米饭尝起来有焦味。The rice tastes burnt.

不行,我要一些米饭。No, I'd like some rice.

我们主要的出口货是大米。Our main export is rice.

米是我们的主食。Rice is our staple food.

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你可以做米糕。You can make rice cakes.

我想要些大米饭。I want to have some rice.

米绨,吃点米饭吧。Let's eat rice now, Didi.