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抱歉,打岔一下。Sorry to butt in.

幸福就是能让屁股暖和。Hapiness is a warm butt.

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可是没有人用麦金塔。Butt nobody uses Macintosh!

你的车真酷。Your car really kicks butt.

但这处那处都没有光。Butt here there is no light.

美对接两大军事同盟?Two US-military alliance butt?

别坐在那了,过来帮我换尿不湿!Stop sitting there on your butt.

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脸被烟头烫伤了该怎么办?。Face by butt scald how should do?

他在地板上踩灭了他的烟蒂。He stamped his butt on the floor.

也许工做让你痛苦得如立针毡。Maybe work is a pain in the butt.

把你的屁股翘起来我才能打你屁股。Raise your butt so I can spank it.

不过大狗太爱流口水了。Butt big dogs slobber way too much.

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熊一把抓住老鼠擦擦屁股走了!Xiong seize a mouse butt wipe away!

如果是那样的话,你应该置身事外。And in that case you should butt out.

好,现在把钓竿柄插到钓竿座里去。Now get the butt into your butt rest.

轨道结点的模型,型号R-65。The model of a butt joint, type R-65.

要知道,其实火腿屁股味道可好了!You know, that ham butt is delicious!

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但是你永久的夏天决不会凋枯。Butt thy eternal summer shall not fade.

但是形势已变,施说。Butt the situation has changed, Shi said.

同时,卡梅拉和草甸硬碰硬。Meanwhile, Carmela and Meadow butt heads.