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宣告REG时,记忆体不足。REG label alloc memory fail !

“这是非常简单在这里说,”注册。"It's pretty simply around here, " says Reg.

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两位妈妈都在登记处哭了。The two mothers both cried in the reg office.

产品测量是使用大小的REG。Product measurements were taken using size REG.

天空是蓝的,我爱五星红旗,我爱中国。The sky is blue. I love five-star reg flags. I love China.

见兹水泡订货单条附加的文件。See the attached file herewith the Blister order sheet Reg.

在亚洲的西部,有一个富饶而美丽的地方。In the western part of Asia there is a rich and beautiful reg.

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注册走位稳定的这些天,有时有点屈尊。Reg walks a bit steady these days, sometimes with a bit of a stoop.

注册凯已经训练赛狗,只要他能记住。Reg Kay has been training greyhounds for as long as he can remember.

玛丽和REG已做了一些从他们的汤姆,汤姆的工作。Mary and Reg had done a sterling job with some help from their Tom-Tom.

胜利油田滩海地区是油田产油的重点区域。The beach area of Shengli Oilfield is an important oil production reg ion.

最后介绍了中科红旗的两个集群系统产品负载集群和高可用性集群。In the end introduces Reg flag Load Balance cluster and High Availaibility cluster.

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透射电子显微镜的观测表明在ELO范围内位错密度很低。EM observations indicate that the dislocation density is very low in the ELO reg ion.

这个星期,我们改变压力章并增加新的阀门,让更好的结果。This week we change the pressure reg and add a new valve to give even better results.

章说,他没有得到他的狗的血液计数,无法读一个,即使他。Reg says he doesn't get blood counts on his dogs and couldn't read one even if he did.

小规模纳税人的标准由财政部规定。The ctiteria for small-scale taxpayers sell be reg -ulated by the Ministry of Finance.

注册凯只是影响了款项已在澳大利亚赛狗。That just about sums up the influence Reg Kay has had on greyhound racing in Australia.

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这些简单的想法,注册已生产了几十年的顶级赛狗。And with those simple ideas, Reg has been churning out top class greyhounds for decades.

大多数外国人都当美国是一个新的祖国,比旧的好。The great majority of the foreigners reg arded Americ a as a new and better f atherl and.

这样一种谈判立法方式的合理性与越来越多的采用调停的合理性是一致的。The reasoning behind reg -neg is similar to that supporting the increased use of mediation.