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锻造钢剑?Sword forging?

厚壁的采用锻件。The thick wall by forging.

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他被指控犯了伪造罪。He was charged with forging.

学究铸造新学说。The academics forging new theories.

铁匠正在打造马掌。The blacksmith is forging the horseshoe.

锻造锤的发明让他们省力不少。Invention of a forging hammer helped a lot.

液态模锻是一种新的金属成形工艺。Liquid forging is a new metal-forming technology.

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高精密锻造杆头,更舒适的击球感觉。Soft impact feel by High precision forging method.

他把母亲的签名伪造得越来越维妙维肖了。He's getting good at forging his mother's signature.

手锻工具包括各种形状的锻锤。Hand forging tools comprise variously shaped hammers.

他们在上个月对锻压车间进行了改装。They retooled the forging and pressing shop last month.

机械压力机是最主要的锻压设备。Mechanical press is the most important forging equipment.

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增加施焊时的顶锻压力。To increase top forging pressure during applying welding.

选用高硬度合金冷锻,配以机械切削成型。We choose alloy cold forging of high-hardness for machining.

当提到锻造术语时,通常意味热锻。When the term forging is used, it usually means hot forging.

不断退火,锻打,直到割痕消失。Repeating annealing and forging till cutting marks were gone.

回顾了我国液压模锻锤的发展历程。Review the course of China's hydraulic hammer for die forging.

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辊锻是金属塑性成形中的重要加工方法之一。Rolling forging is an important means in metal-forming method.

感应透热技术已经广泛地应用于锻造钢坯的生产中。Penetrable induction heating are widely used in billet forging.

本文给出了一种锻压设备模糊优化设计方法。A fuzzy optimum design method for forging equipment is presented.