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有些人说他是个乔装的绅士。Some said he was a toff in disguise.

那个家伙说得对,在很久之前的那个晚上,他的确是青年。The toff was right. And on that night in the long ago he had been Youth.

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爱情和战争都是不择手段的,我的朋友为了傍大款抛弃了她多年的男友。All is fair in love and war , my friend abandoned her ex boyfriend for a toff.

该装置然后停留了一个体育,荒漠化问题,花花公子,这是32倍,震延误。The device then stays off for a period, TOFF , that is 32 times the TON delay.

每天早上,王冕很早就出门给有钱人放牛。Everyday, Wang Mian go out very early in the morning to feed the cattle for the toff.

这是那个在斗拳之后请他去喝酒的家伙,拍着他的肩膀对他说的。The toff who had bought him a drink after the fight and patted him on the shoulder had used those words.

实际上,有钱的花花公子穿着纳粹制服只是为了找乐子,而你在这儿看到这些场景也会觉得见怪不怪而已。In fact, it's exactly the sort of place you wouldn't be surprised to find a toff dressed in a Nazi uniform "for fun".

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一个长着翅膀的孩童在折磨一个忧郁的雪人,一位目光狂野的圣诞老人和一帮奇怪的小男孩欢呼雀跃,一位年轻的花花公子拿着鞭子在威胁一个小男孩。A winged toddler torments a glum snowman, a wild-eyed Santa cavorts with strange men-children and a young toff threatens a smaller boy with a whip.

一个乳臭未干的年轻花花公子爱上一个道德成问题的美人并追她到天涯海角,一路散尽家财、抛弃良心和自尊。A callow young toff falls for a beauty of shaky morals and follows her to the end of the world, shedding fortune, scruples and self-respect along the way.

慈溪更有对内政流协作的传统,早在秦代,名士徐福在慈溪达蓬山启航,东渡日本,拉开了对内政流的尾声。Cixi external exchanges and cooperation more traditional, back in the Qin Dynasty, in Cixi toff ki CHANGKENGNANPENGSHAN to sail, east to Japan, beginning the foreign exchanges in the district.