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撞坏的自行车草草地修了一下就卖掉了。The wrecked bicycle was patched up and resold.

光盘卖的贵是毋庸置疑的,因为它可以当作中古货被再次出售。The disc is undeniably more valuable, since it can be resold.

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回收者收集可再次利用或销售的旧零部件。Recyclers harvest parts from old equipment that can be reused or resold.

但是房子就不会这样轻易贬值,并且能够多次出售。But a home does not depreciate in this way, and can be resold many times.

这里的情况是即使那双鞋子被穿过了而且没法再卖得出去。This is the case even though the shoes would be worn and couldn't be resold.

这样他们就可以通过中国工商银行的实时金价重新出售金条获取现金。They can then be resold for cash through ICBC based on real-time gold prices.

这些公司通常会在美国转售翻新的手机,或者通过零售商和网站把它们销往国外。The phones are then often resold in the U.S. or abroad via retailers or Web sites.

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我需要他们写一本关于如何创建一个HTML详细的文章模板转售。I need them to write a detailed article on how to create a HTML template to be resold.

在中国,很多人都希望在未来几年,废油不会被重新卖给食品制造商和餐馆。Many in China are hoping that in the years to come, it won't be resold to food makers.

指公司收回已发行股票尚未再出售或注销者。Issued shares that have been reacquired by the corporation and not yet resold or cancelled.

该18架飞机,曾与意大利空军飞机一起飞行,被阿莱尼亚转卖到美国。The aircraft, which formerly flew with the Italian Air Force, were resold to the U.S. by Alenia.

去年,ReCellular转售或回收了520万部手机,五年之前的数字则只有210万。ReCellular resold or recycled 5.2 million cellphones last year, up from 2.1 million five years earlier.

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产品再出售需要尽快重新插入前端供应链。Product that can be resold needs to be re-inserted into the forward supply chain as quickly as possible.

与已在美国证券交易所挂牌上市的证券同属一级别的证券并不符合144A条例的再发售资格。Securities at the same grade as those listed in US. Stock exchange can't be resold as stipulated in 144A rule.

商品能加工并在市场上转卖的产品,如黄金、银、铁、煤、铝等。Commodities Products that can be processed and resold in the market such as gold, silver iron, coal, aluminum, etc.

虽然如此,当住房市场复苏后这些债券仍然可以出售,甚至会给纳税人带来盈利。Nonetheless, some of these securities could be resold after the housing market recovers, and even turn a profit for taxpayers.

工厂经理Mike范农说,电子垃圾在这里是转售给其他公司,进一步打破组件是有价值的。Plant manager Mike Fannon says e-waste here is resold to other companies that further break down the components that are valuable.

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当她沿山路返回家乡时,会再买些药材、蘑菇和其他土特产拿到县里销售。When returning from her mountain sales trips, she bought herbs, mushrooms and other local goods and resold them in county markets.

在巴黎郊区的一间小屋里,警方发现了900瓶葡萄酒和香槟,正准备以牟取不菲利润的价格再卖给餐厅。In a shed in a Paris suburb police found 900 bottles of wine and champagne destined to be resold to restaurants at a comfortable profit.

它们从银行购买房屋贷款抵押权,然后转而分售给投资者,并许诺一旦办理房屋抵押贷款的屋主不能按约还贷,投资者们将获得贷款抵押权收益。They bought mortgages from banks, resold them to investors and promised to make good on the loans if home owners defaulted on their mortgage.