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你无法改变他们的意思,因为他们太墨守成规。You will never change their ideas. They are far too hidebound.

是个非常保守的社会,对任何新事物都抱着怀疑的态度。It's a very hidebound society and views anything new with suspicion.

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营养不良伴有的糖尿病多见于热带发展中国家。Hidebound companion someDiabeticSee more at intertropical developing country.

不像其他欧洲城市,伦敦并不因传统而守旧。London doesn't seem as hidebound by tradition as some of the other European cities.

营养不良者应注意加强营养,适当补充蛋白与维生素。Hidebound person should notice to strengthen nutrition, proper and compensatory albumen and vitamin.

地方、州和联邦政府可以对墨守成规的用水权进行改革。And local, state and federal governments could begin to reform an often hidebound water rights system.

然而,最近谈到的“思想解放”已经远远超出整顿行政体制所需。Recent talk of “thought liberation”, however, has gone far beyond the need to shake up hidebound bureaucrats.

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此方适应于营养不良性水肿,有健脾、补气、消水肿的功效。This just suits at hidebound sex oedema, have be good at lienal , Filling gas, the effect of disappear oedema.

在发展中国家跨越式发展的同时,发达国家保守的医疗体系则可能会抵制新技术。The hidebound health-care systems of the rich world may resist new technologies even as poor countries leapfrog ahead.

史密斯先生,我们是一家老式公司,但并不保守,不反对给人较大的活动范围。We're an old-fashioned firm, Mr Smith, but not hidebound. We're not averse to giving a man with ideas of his own some rope.

某儿童体检时,体重超重百分之50,可医生检查的结果说是营养不良,为什么?。When some children check-up, weight overweights hundred 50, but it is hidebound that the result that the doctor checks says, why?

随着年龄增长,维生素C含量明显下降,晶状体营养不良,久而久之会引起晶状体变性。Grow as the age, vitamin C content drops apparently, crystalline lens is hidebound , as time passes can cause crystalline lens denaturation.

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此外,营养不良也是皮肤粗糙的原因,尤其是在缺乏维他命B2、B6的时候,皮肤最容易粗糙。In addition, hidebound also be the reason with coarse skin, be in especially when lacking vitaminic B2, B6, the skin is the easiest and coarse.

已经出现营养不良状况的老年人,要多吃煮软的谷类、蔬菜和水果,可在菜中多加调料以促进食欲。Had appeared the old people of hidebound state, should eat more boil soft corn, vegetable and fruit, can add condiment more in dish with appetitive.

为了说服那些有权有势却又古板陈腐的掌权者,泰国政府提议运用中国技术修建一条新的铁路同现有的平行。To get around the mighty, hidebound state operator, the Thai government proposes a new line using Chinese technology to run parallel to the existing one.

这家老牌公司守旧的经理拒绝采用电脑化业务机制,仍然偏好枯燥缓慢的纸质流程。The hidebound managers of the old company refused to adopt computer-based business systems and preferred to rely on tediously slow, paper-based procedure.

许多热情的年轻人可能会失望的发现他们进了一个相当保守的衙门。"A lot of these bright-eyed young people may be setting themselves up for disappointment in what is still a rather hidebound institution, " Aftergood said.

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假使对她那行云流水般富饶表示力的行动持挖苦态度的议论家大有在,但伊莎多拉却为机械的古典舞蹈界带来了灵动和自我表示力。Although some critics ridiculed her flowing and expressive movements, Isadora brought flexibility and self-expression to the hidebound world of classical dance.

作为从往往守旧并对上高度恭敬的企业界爬上来的人,我很高兴地终于可以向许多陈旧的办公室文化说再见了。As someone who came up through the ranks of the often hidebound and highly deferential corporate world, I am glad to say good riddance to much of the old office culture.

在后天性少白头中有许多是伴随某种疾病发生的,有些则是由于精神过度紧张和营养不良所致。Have in posteriority a young person with greying hair a lot of be to accompany some kind of disease happening, because spirit is het-up, some are with hidebound be caused by.