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植物园中的温室。Hothouse in Botanic gardens.

我想为我的玫瑰花建一个迷你温室。I want to make a mini hothouse for my roses.

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温室里的花卉没有会有强除夜的死命力。Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.

无论是坦克和温室均完好无损。Both the tank and the hothouse were undamaged today.

象挪威那样的国家,在温室中也能种植香蕉。A country like Norway could produce bananas in hothouse.

最多,它也就是变成像金星一样的超级温室行星。At most, it would become a super hothouse planet like Venus?

一束暖房里培养出来的鲜花,正在一张小巧玲珑的写字台上枯萎下去。A bunch of hothouse flowers was withering upon a tiny writing-table.

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同时,作为世界最大的数码温床,中国带来了富有异国风情的成果。Meanwhile, the world's biggest digital hothouse teems with exotic fruit.

在这种场合,克莱格先生正好来表现他的风雅嗜好和炫示那些在温室里培养出来的花草。Mr. Craig had been proud to show his taste and his hothouse plants on the occasion.

本实用新型是涉及暖棚骨架的结构的改进。The utility model relates to the improvement of the framework structure of a hothouse.

本实用新型属农业、花卉业栽培温室大棚。The utility model belongs to a cultivation hothouse in agriculture and a flower industry.

在亚马逊盆地的天然温室中,地球上一半的物种开始了新的一天。In the natural hothouse of the Amazon Basin half of all the species on earth greet the new day.

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气候变暖的温室区专题组提供了一切,甚至无须接触皮肤的温暖。The HotHouse FIR Topical Warming Unit provides its warmth without ever having to touch the skin.

生活搀杂着酸甜苦辣,要坚持住呦!温室里的花,经得起外界的环境吗?Mixed with the ups and downs of life, to hold on Yo! Hothouse flowers, stood outside the environment?

为什么我们听到了许多专门的温室用户这么多美好的,积极的东西?Why are we hearing so many wonderful and positive things from the many devoted users of the HotHouse?

快要工作了,心里还是没做好准备,不知道什么时候开始自己真变成一个温室里的花朵了!Going to work, or was not ready, do not know when to start their own truth into a hothouse flowers of!

在这样一种充满特权和期待的温室环境中成长,不会是一种轻松的经历。Growing up in such a hothouse atmosphere, full of privilege and expectation, cannot be a relaxing experience.

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本实用新型涉及一种温室大棚,具体地说是温室大棚支撑骨架的改进。The utility model relates to a hothouse greenhouse which is the improvement of a supporting framework of hothouse greenhouses.

像温室里的花朵,不经历风雨,没爱过生活的磨励,根本无法体会到幸福生活来之不易。Like hothouse flowers, not going through trials and tribulations, not sharpen loved life, can not appreciate the hard-won happy life.

尽管你不能立马就定下来,但是继续和他们交流,因为一旦你和他们作出决定,他们就会像是温室里的植物一样蓬勃的发展起来。Even if you don't settle them immediately, keep talking, for it looks like once you do settle them, they will flourish like hothouse plants.