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这会有什么后果呢?What will the consequence be?

那是其进化的结果。That is the consequence of its evolution.

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这是其不断进化的结果。That is the consequence of its evolution.

每个行动都有一个悲惨的后果。Each action has a dire weight consequence.

没有危险因素的安全状态。safety as a consequence of entailing no risk.

这似乎就是规模庞大的结果,公司运转机制再灵活也不可避免。This seems an inevitable consequence of bigness.

麦粒肿不去治疗会有什么后果?。Sty is not treated what consequence can you have?

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作为结论类型检查成为不可判定性的。As a consequence type checking becomes undecidable.

好书的产生是努力工作的结果。Good books come a couple ofs consequence hard work.

这就是JOSH组合立竿见影的效果。This is an immediate consequence of the JOSH stack.

这是意识的一个不可避免的结果。This is an inevitable consequence of consciousness.

这无疑是人工降雨的后果。It can definitely be a consequence of cloud seeding.

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随着它们的生长,蜕皮是自然的过程。It happens as a natural consequence of their growth.

这是一本具有深奥的、几乎是神话般结局的小说。It's a novel of profound, almost mythic consequence.

如果数据被盗,后果不堪想象。If data by pilfer, consequence can'ts bear imagining.

所以,形成这些气态离子的结果是什么呢?So, what's the consequence of forming these gas ions?

这场事故是鲁莽驾驶的结果。The accident was the consequence of reckless driving.

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侵权行为与损害结果之间存在因果关系。Tortious behavior is the reason of damage consequence.

由于加热,棒的长度增加了。In consequence of heating the length of the bar increased.

由于轮胎或部分轮胎过热导致的表面橡胶软化并被成块的抛离轮胎。The consequence of a tyre, or part of a tyre, overheating.