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这位是施奈德男爵夫人。This is Baroness Schneider.

吉勒先生,你好,男爵夫人。Good evening, herr zeller. Baroness.

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吉勒先生,你好,男爵夫人。Captain. Herr zeller. Baroness schraeder.

恰恰相反,玛塔,你会见到蓝爵夫人。Jues happen you are going to see the baroness.

我想太太一定会善于管理家务里的事替你安插得安妥的。I'm sure the baroness will be able to make things fine for you.

男爵夫人的一名律师助手向艾瑟求婚,但是被拒绝了。Baroness a lawyer assistant to propose to esser, but was refused.

男爵夫人满脸堆笑地以最殷勤的态度回复了那个礼。The baroness returned the salute in the most smiling and graceful manner.

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你也许对苏珊格林菲尔德男爵夫人的工作很熟悉。You will be familiar with the work of Professor Baroness Susan Greenfield.

上校匆匆走向屋内,看到孩子们正在给男爵夫人唱歌,他微笑了着加入了孩子们的歌声中。The Captain hurries into the house to see children singing to the Baroness.

戴洛克男爵夫人犹豫不决,因为已经开始把萝莎当成女儿看待。Wear Locke baroness hesitant, because have begun to treat Rosa as a daughter.

1992年,她被任命为上议院,作为撒切尔夫人的凯斯蒂文区。In 1992, she was appointed to the House of Lords, as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven.

那一次的演讲嘉宾是杰出的英国哲学家玛丽·沃诺克。The commencement speaker that day was the distinguished British philosopher Baroness Mary Warnock.

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如果多年以后,你们只记得我讲的这个“快乐巫师”的笑话,我就已经超过玛丽·沃诺克了。If all you remember in years to come is the 'gay wizard' joke, I've come out ahead of Baroness Mary Warnock.

牛津大学的药理学教授,描述这调查结果为“非常震惊”。Baroness Greenfield, professor of pharmacology at Oxford University, described the results as ‘very striking’.

上校带着男爵夫人和麦克斯驾车返回庄园,路上,见孩子们在树上玩耍Captain returns with the Baroness and uncle Max. On their way home, Captain sees his children climbing the trees.

刘大使祝贺沃西成为进入英政府内阁的首位穆斯林女性。Ambassador Liu congratulated Baroness Warsi on her being a member of the British Cabinet as the first Muslim woman.

气味浓厚,而且果味多汁新鲜,这是支可以让男爵感到骄傲的2008年顶级葡萄酒。With a dense, dark nose and juicy, brooding fruit, the 2008 Grand Vin is a wine of which the Baroness can be proud.

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傲慢的男爵夫人利用她的财富,在这块土地上取得特权。她的财富都是从她的魔法宝石箱得到的。The pompous baroness of this land gets her power from her wealth, and that wealth comes from her magical Gem Casket.

巴克特逮捕了乔治,但随后发现的一封匿名信却暗示嫌疑犯是戴洛克男爵夫人。Buck was arrested George, but then found an anonymous letter is suggesting that the suspect is wearing rock baroness.

2007年,撒切尔夫人的雕塑在下议院揭幕,她成为了首位生前获得该荣誉的前首相。In 2007 Baroness Thatcher became the first living ex-prime minister to be honoured with a statue in the House of Commons.