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在邮局。他们是邮递员。In the post office. They are postmen.

这条狗咬了邮递员的腿。The dog has nipped the postmen on the leg.

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邮递员罢工,所以我们就没有信了。The postmen are striking therefore we will have no letters.

所以如果邮递员罢工,那么我们就没有信了。So if the postmen are striking then we will have no letters.

这些人在哪儿工作?在邮局。他们是邮递员。Where do these people work? In the post office. They are postmen.

噢,这就是当今社会的状况——连邮递员的工作效率也不像以前那样高了。Ah, it's a sign of the times — not even the postmen work as efficiently as they used to.

从五月份起,面对正在下降的邮件量,新加坡的邮递员将会在星期六停止运送邮件。From May Singapore’s postmen will take Saturdays off in response to falling mail volumes.

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我这位熟人证明,他的同事们既不太好,也不太差。My acquaintance confirmed that his fellow postmen were neither terribly nice nor terribly nasty.

如今,邮差被迫加快步伐,递送量大得能累断腰的垃圾邮件。And postmen are now being forced to walk faster and deliver back-breaking quantities of junk mail.

五十三岁的安德鲁-格奥特坚持要怀特一家为自己的健康检查负责,“通常你只会听到邮递员被狗袭击,这猫真是出乎大家的意料。”‘Normally you hear about postmen being attacked by the dog but this cat just came out of nowhere, ’ he said.

在古代,信鸽是用来传送信件的,而现代的邮递员是以自行车作为装备来发送信件的。In the ancient time, pigeons were used to deliver the mails, while the modern postmen deliver mails with the help of bikes.

邮递员有时能猜到写错地址的信要寄往何处,计算机可不会那样随机应变。Computers are not as understanding as postmen and women, who can sometimes work out where a wrongly addressed letter is meant to go.

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美国人对于邮差不那么动情的看法——他们更有可能杀死同事,而非伸出援手——是否更准确些呢?Or was the less sentimental US view of postmen more accurate – that they are less likely to help their colleagues than to kill them?

总的来说,罢工除了为邮工争取了一些经济利益,并没有解决任何困扰邮政的实质性问题。In a word , the strike strived any economic benefit for postmen , but couldn"t settle up any substantive problem which puzzled postal service for a long time ."