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甚至可以是一块刺青。It could even be a tattoo.

他前臂上刺有花纹。He had a tattoo on his forearm.

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小斑马,祝你生日快乐!Colt Tattoo Happy birthday to you!

她会用警句不断地敲打我。She could tattoo me with epigrams.

你还当他是朋友吗,刺青小子?Thought you was compadres, Tattoo?

满级啊,我一直在想我有生之年能不能满…You're on my heart just like a tattoo.

的右手臂上有个星形的文身。Milo has a star tattoo on his right bicep.

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冰雹在窗玻璃上嘈杂地连续敲打。The hail beat a loud tattoo on the windowpane.

他用指头咚咚地连敲着桌子。He beat a tattoo with his fingers on the table.

我甚至还可能弄个文身、搞个穿刺什么的。I may even draw on a tattoo or pierce something.

把自己的身份证号刺到胸前。Make a tattoo of one's own ID number on his chest.

但是,他身上所刺的花使他变成了全村的名人。Bat the tattoo made him a famous man in his village.

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但是我想找一个愿意跟我交易的纹身技师,but I'm looking for a tattoo artist who wants to trade,

这位来自多伦多的男子成了世界上首例在眼球上刺青的人。A Toronto man has been the first to get an eyeball tattoo.

我给他们按摩,他们给我继续往上纹。so I can give them massage, and they can give more tattoo.

文身是傣族男子中的一种传统习俗。Tattoo used to be a traditional custom among the Dai people.

摩尔甚至还在其右臂腋下纹上了一只睁开的眼睛。Jacqui even has a tattoo of an open eye inside her right armpit.

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这是我的最爱,当时是受了印度海纳纹身的启发。This is my favorite one. It was inspired by Indian Henna tattoo.

不过他的腿露在外面,我可以看到腿上的刺青。But his legs poked out, and I could see the crossed-rifles tattoo.

现今青少年的文身是一种亚文化现象的反映。Tattoo of youngsters is the reflection of sub-cultural phenomenon.