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在免费健康类排49名。No. 49 in free Fitness.

还有健身卡啊!Also has the fitness card!

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用交叉训练来强身健体。Cross train to build fitness.

他还在上体能基础课,营养课还没碰过呢。He's still taking Basic Fitness.

你认为健身远胜过肥胖You Think Fitness Trumps Fatness

她想报一个健身班。She wants to join a fitness club.

阅读健康和健身杂志。Read health and fitness magazines.

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参加个健身班或营养班。Take a fitness or nutrition class.

在办公区域放置健身器材Keep fitness equipment in your work area

非住店客人是否可以使用健身中心?Can non-in-house guests use Fitness Center?

谁也不怀疑他适于担任这一职务。No one doubts his fitness for the position.

这家旅馆还有一个小型游泳池和健身房。Rolla Residence has a small pool and fitness.

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青壮年时期,母亲是位健身迷。In her heyday, my mother was a fitness fanatic.

四步性爱健身法。Here, a quick four-step course in sexual fitness.

它是一种表现异域风情的健身操和舞蹈。It is expressive dance as well as exotic fitness.

61岁的佩里先生看上去很年轻,他是一个锻炼狂。Mr Perry, a young-looking 61, is a fitness fiend.

我的一个同性恋朋友和他的另一半都是健身爱好者。My gay friend and his partners are fitness buffs.

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他顺利通过了他们对他所作的每项体格检查。He aced every physical fitness test they gave him.

澳门大学学生会健身会保留一切最终决定权。Fitness Club of UMSU reserved all the legal rights.

下面向大家介绍一些最为流行的健身运动。Below is a list of the most popular fitness classes.