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建构主义教学理论是否适合外语教学?。Is Constructivism a good theory for FLT?

建构主义是当代教育心理学的一场革命。Constructivism is a revolution of contemporary educational psychology.

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狭义构成主义方法包含内在冲突。An inherent conflict can be found in constructivism in the narrow sense.

建构主义是当代教育心理学中的一场革命。Constructivism is a revolution in the field of education and psychology.

他直接参考数学家布劳威尔和他的激进建构主义。He refers directly to the mathematician Brouwer and his radical constructivism.

这些便是建构主义的学习观和教学观的先进性之所在。All these are the learning view of constructivism and the advancement of teaching view.

最少导引教学的最近版本来自建构主义。The most recent version of instruction with minimal guidance comes from constructivism.

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而建构主义则提出了观念安全危机管理模式。However, Constructivism pointed out the concept of security pattern of crises management.

第五部分,运用建构主义教学模式进行可持续发展教育的个案研究。The fifth part is the case study on how to make use of constructivism teaching mode for ESD.

“任务驱动”是一种建立在建构主义教学理论基础上的教学法。The task-driven"is a method depending on the basis of mathematics theory of constructivism."

本文探究在社会建构主义理论指导下的英语视听说教学模式的相关问题。This paper explores English audio-visual teaching mode guided by social constructivism theory.

第二,基于建构主义理论编制高中化学教科书的基本模式。Second, the basic pattern of developing high school chemistry textbook based on constructivism.

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还有一个反对这个观点的主张,这个主张可以被称作是彻底的解构主义。Now there is another argument against this position which might be called radical constructivism.

根据建构主义的理论基础建构主义者提出了建构主义的学习观、教学观。Constructivists submit their views of learning and teaching based on the theory of constructivism.

我主张,如果没有直觉主义的话,结构主义不能为正义原则提供基础。I contend that even constructivism cannot avoid intuitionism to pave the basic bedrocks for just principles.

文章采用了实证性研究方法,全文分引言、主体、总结三大部分。It uses empirical study to prove the feasibility and effectiveness of constructivism to oral English teaching.

目前信息技术已经成为现代教育技术的核心,而建构主义教育思想也正在兴起。Now IT is the core of modern educational technology, and constructivism is also rising in the field of education.

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维柯、康德、皮亚杰、维果茨基、库恩等的认识论思想是建构主义确立的主要思想基础。The epistemology thoughts of the authors, Vico, Kant, Piaget, Vygotsky and Kuhn are the foundation of constructivism.

其理论基础是建构主义学习理论和情境认知理论。Constructivism and situated cognition theory are the theoretical foundation of the learning-oriented web-based course.

建构主义学习观是当代课堂教学研究的重要理论基础。Constructivism learning theory is an important theoretical basis for contemporary researches on classroom instruction.