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暴民们很快地变得狂暴和无法控制。The rabble soon grew violent and unmanageable.

随着时间的流逝,这些代码可能变得难以管理,错误很快就会乘虚而入。Over time, this code may become unmanageable and soon bugs creep in.

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鸟粪问题已经无法控制,这种药将能解决此问题。The poop problem has become unmanageable and this could be the answer.

此外,线程监视器会将这些线程变成非托管的。In addition, these threads would become unmanageable by thread monitors.

并发性、恢复、安全和可用性问题变得难以管理。Concurrency, recovery, security, and usability issues become unmanageable.

能让干燥,粗糙,缠结,卷曲以及难打理的头发变得顺滑且柔软。Instantly smoothens and softens dry, rough, tangled, frizzy, unmanageable hair.

这种失控的复杂性会造成大量的故障或惊人的预算“失控”。Unmanageable complexity can result in massive foul-ups or spectacular budget "runaways."

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但是,这么做很快就会变得难以管理了,除非是最简单的类。However, except for the simplest of classes, doing so quickly becomes an unmanageable affair.

有很多要读的材料,很多要学习的,很多要写的论文——但是,学习压力是可控的。There is a lot of reading, studying, and writing papers-- but the workload is not unmanageable.

系统宕机、高开发成本、不可控的生产环境以及满脸怒色的客户。down systems, high development costs, unmanageable production environments and unhappy customers.

但是,随着用户类型和特权级别的增加,管理很快就变得非常困难。However, it can quickly become unmanageable as the numbers of user types and privilege levels increase.

危机只是更深刻的问题的表面症候,这些问题如果任其发展,就会变得越来越。Crises were symptoms of deeper problems which if allowed to fester would prove increasingly unmanageable.

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虽然理论上可以只使用一个测试套件,但是在实践中这种情况难以管理。While theory insists that working with only one test suite is possible, this is unmanageable in practice.

如今选民已经让民主党获得两院多数席,问题变得越来越难处理。Now that voters have given majorities in both houses to Democrats, the problem has become increasingly unmanageable.

因为不论是器官衰竭还是病入膏肓,一个人的死亡总是会有更为确切的原因。Whether organs wear out, or disease processes become unmanageable there always are specific reasons for a person’s death.

即使在商业中心,你也考好好考虑工作的好和坏给你带来的不可控制的压力。Even in an economic downtown, the pros and cons of a job that gives you unmanageable amounts of stress have to be weighed.

耸肩也是一种防御性的姿态,象征着从无法控制的局面中摆脱出来。The shoulder shrug has also been defined as a form of defensive hunching or symbolic retreat from an unmanageable situation.

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如果人类能够避免丧心病狂,如果能够控制不可避免的气候变迁,我们一定会去追寻那些能够得到的最好的选择。If humanity is to avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable of climate change, we must pursue the best options available.

沃尔玛是世界上最大的私人老板,第九巡回法院写道,“仅仅是规模大小不会使案件难以审理。”Wal-Mart is the world’s largest private employer, and as the Ninth Circuit wrote, “mere size does not render a case unmanageable.”

之前我的头发干涸,粗拙,难于梳理,打从用了潘婷营养洗发露,头发变患上康健,亮泽。My hair was dry, coarse and unmanageable. But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo, it has become healthy and shiny.