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总是残留有几亳升以上的液体。They always remain several milliliter liquids.

在人类的口中,每毫升唾液含有大约一亿个细菌。The human mouth contains about 100 million microbes per milliliter of saliva.

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根据照片,它显示300毫升的啤酒等于150卡路里。Based on the picture, it indicates 300 milliliter of beer equals 150 calories.

对于尼古丁,仅仅是1.8毫微克每毫升,太低而不易提取。For nicotine, that level was a mere 1.8 nanograms per milliliter -- too low to be picked up in tests.

人患艾滋病后,体内的cd4细胞就会每年每毫升血液减少100个。People suffering from AIDS, the body's CD4 cells per milliliter of blood each year will reduce the 100.

研究人员说,最佳水平范围是每毫升30到40纳克。Optimal levels range from 30 nanograms per milliliter to 40 nanograms per milliliter, the researchers said.

赵泳杰教授说,健康人体内每毫升血液一般有1000个cd4免疫细胞。Professor Zhao Yongjie Say, healthy human body per milliliter of blood in general has 1000 CD4 immune cells.

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一般来说,如果血液水平低于15或20毫微克每毫升即可被认为是不足。In general, people are considered to be deficient if they have blood levels below 15 or 20 nanograms per milliliter.

还有,患者在此前至少六个月里,血液中艾滋病毒的数量,要低于每毫升40个病毒的水平。In addition, patients had at least six months, blood in the number of HIV to less than 40 viruses per milliliter level.

该研究在六年里追踪了21名感染艾滋病病毒1型的患者,从每人身上收集了1毫升眼泪,并对眼泪做了化验。The study followed 21 HIV-1 infected subjects in six years and tested 1 milliliter of tears collected from each of them.

以前的研究表明,近一半的妇女和男子的维生素D水平低于每毫升32毫微克。Previous studies have shown that nearly half of all women and men have vitamin D levels below 32 nanograms per milliliter.

还有,患者在此前至少六个月里,血液中艾滋病毒的数量,要低于每毫升40个病毒的水平。In addition, patients in at least six months earlier, in the blood of the number of HIV to less than 40 viruses per milliliter.

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而每毫升牛奶的最高细菌总数从原先标准下的50万个激增到200万个。And the maximum amount of bacteria allowed in every milliliter of milk surged to 2 million from 500-thousand under the original standard.

通过血液检测到的PSA水平是每毫升血液的PSA纳克数,反应的是该抗原产生并释放到血流中量。The PSA level, measured in nanograms per milliliter of blood, reflects how much of this antigen is being produced and released into the bloodstream.

每当眼泪聚满1毫升后研究人员便将其滴入小垫并放置在男性鼻子下端,这样他们可以持续地嗅到“悲伤的味道”。Their tears were collected one milliliter at a time and deposited onto small pads that were attached beneath men's noses, so they could continuously sniff the sadness.