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进入星光的夜晚,我必须去。Into the starless night, I must go.

在那没有云朵没有星星的天空中。Of cloudless clime and starless sky.

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没有星星、没有父的天堂,一片黑暗的水。Starless and fatherless, a dark water.

进入星光的夜晚,我跟着喊。Into the starless night, I follow the call.

进入星光的夜晚,我遵循的恶臭。Into the starless night, I follow the stench.

事故发生在一个漆黑的,没有月亮,也没有星星的夜晚。The accident happened on a pitch-dark night, moonless and starless.

即便时无星之夜,掠袭者也能知道方位。The Raider always knows his or her direction on the plains, even under a starless sky.

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没有星星只有月亮的夜空多么乏味无趣,何不让我有一个繁星闪烁,月光如华的夜空?A starless sky with a solitary moon would be dull and cheerless, why not let there be a moonlit night resplendent with twinkling stars?

没有星星点缀而只有月亮高悬的夜空多么清寂,请让我拥有一个群星闪耀、月光皎洁、交相辉映的美好夜空吧!A starless sky with a solitary moon would be dull and cheerless , why not let there be a moonlit night resplendent with twinkling stars.

夜没有星光,一片漆黑,在黑暗中可能有一个站着的天使展开着双翅,在等待着这个灵魂…The night was starless and extremely dark. No doubt, in the gloom some immense angel stood erect with wings outspread, awaiting that soul.

我们要用我们所有人的努力证实马丁・路德・金的话是正确的。他说,人类再也不能悲惨地走向种族歧视和战争的黑暗之夜。Let the strivings of us all, prove Martin Luther King Jr. to have been correct, when he said that humanity can no longer be tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war.

即使在几乎没有独特建筑景观的德国,仍有本土的明星和名人们在知名度调查和公共意识中突出。Even in the almost starless architectural landscape of Germany, it is the home-grown starlets and minor celebrities who occupy all the top slots in name-recognition surveys and public awareness.