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不想日孒就这麽悳平淡。!Do not want to come on this so uneventful. !

希望你跟我一样,能平安无事抵达。Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was.

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他们的作证和盘问是平淡无事的。Their testimony and cross-examination were uneventful.

这段不到三个小时的航程一路平安无事。It was a quiet, uneventful flight of less than three hours.

总体而言,中小板表现得波澜不惊。Overall, small and medium-sized plate was rather uneventful.

东方欲晓的时候,他早已经走了一大段路。这次骑马旅行很愉快,没有碰到意外事件。Dawn met him well along the way. It was a pleasant uneventful ride.

术后病人恢复良好,追踪三个月而无任何并发症。The postoperative course remained uneventful at three months follow-up.

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前往下碣隅里的摩托化行军除了堵车之外没有其它的事情。The motor march to Hagaru-ri was uneventful except for snarls in traffic.

梅根到蒙特塞拉特后受到欢迎,最初也平安无事。Megan's arrival on Montserrat was both welcoming and initially uneventful.

而那些平静无波的星期五的13号则会被你忽略掉。All those uneventful days in which the 13th fell on a Friday will be ignored.

结论晶状体超声乳化术后当日可发生眼压升高。Conclusion Elevation of IOP can occur on the same day after uneventful phaco.

这些盈利的消息也为这天太平无事的市场增添了些亮点。The earnings news helped offset what was generally an uneventful day for the market.

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我自己体验下来,发现枫华巴士还是比较方便和安全的。In my personal experience, the trip on Fung Wah was relatively convenient and uneventful.

上校对于在农舍里度过的那些阴湿寂寞的夜晚和单调平凡的白天感到很害怕。The colonel dreaded his dunk lonely nights at his farmhouse and the dull, uneventful days.

Ellen回来给Tom原本平淡无味的生活平添了快乐与希望。The return of Ellen has brought happiness and hope to the dull and uneventful life of Tom.

民主党官员强调管理预算办公室的声明是很常见的。Democratic officials stressed that the OMB statement was a mundane if not uneventful maneuver.

朝鲜强烈抗议这样的军演,但过去并没有激烈的动作。North Korea protests strongly against such exercises, but they have been uneventful in the past.

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不料,在看似贫乏无味的人生中,却发生了一件重大转折。In a twist of fate, an unexpected occurrence befalls their seemingly mediocre and uneventful lives.

除了在途中一名陆战队新兵自杀外,整个航行平安无事。One of the newly recruited marines committed suicide en route. The voyage was otherwise uneventful.

其实,弗兰纳里,除了病中劫难,她的生活波澜不惊。Externally, Flannery O’Connor’s life was, except in the matter of her physical travails, uneventful.