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他们划得有多快?How fast did they scull?

赛艇上有舵手吗?。Did the scull have a cox?

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闭路电视画面显示一名妇女将头颅放在前门旁边然后离开。CCTV images reported show a woman placing the scull by the front door and leaving.

一个妇女指着迈斯卓背后的影子,迈斯卓缓缓转身,看到一张骷髅脸,吓得往后一跳。One of the woman points at the shadow behind the Maestro. He slowly turns around sees a scull face and jumps back.

一个妇女指着迈斯卓背后的影子,迈斯卓缓缓转身,看到一张骷髅脸,吓得往后一跳。One eof the woman points at the shadow behind the Maestro. He slowly turns around, sees a scull face and jumps back.

整个航行比较顺利,有时加油工需要急划,以免海水灌入小船。Sometimes the oiler had to scull sharply to keep a sea from breaking into the boat, but otherwise sailing was a success.

另一颗头颅是一周前放在一个袋子里,然后放在巴西最著名的建筑师奥斯卡·尼迈耶设计的一座大楼里。The other scull was left in a bag a week ago next to a building designed by Brazil's most famous architect Oscar Niemeyer.

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两只手缓慢地开始在水面划水,腿慢慢象划桨状运动,可以感觉到水对腿的压力。Start slowly, with both hands below the surface of the water. You may even want to scull a bit to place less pressure on the legs.

就蛙泳来说,前方浆式划水动作就是手部向外划水产生推进力时的正确动作。For breaststroke-specific reasons, the front scull will show you the exact movement your hands should do during the outsweep of the pull.

高原环境野战训练、施工及战争是未来战事的重要组成部分,研究颅脑损伤的早期救治及后送是非常必要的。Field operations, work and war on plateau is an important part of future war. It is necessary to study the early treatment and evacuation of scull injury.