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且试验组肺组织水肿明显轻微。Morever, histologic tissue edema was mild.

受浮肿影响的组织常在按后起凹陷。The tissue affected by edema will usually pit.

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受浮肿影响的组织常在按后起凹陷。The tissue affected by edema will usually pit.

两下肢轻度凹陷性水肿。There was slight pitting edema over both legs.

如果肿得厉害,就将管型切成两瓣。If edema is excessive, the cast will be bivalved.

他们还可以促进排尿,减少水肿。They can also promote urination and reduce edema.

随着腹水的发展,外周性水肿也会出现。As ascites progress, peripheral edema may develop.

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因营养不良而致之虚肿慎用。Do not use if the edema is caused by malnutrition.

尼莫地平有干预脑水肿形成的作用。Nimodipine can inhibit the formation of brain edema.

为痰饮、湿浊、食滞等。For edema diseases, wet muddy, indigestion and so on.

二氧化氮和臭氧可以引起肺水肿。Nitrogen dioxide and ozone may cause pulmonary edema.

检查泪器,注意水肿或炎症。C. Inspect lacrimal apparatus and note edema or inflammation.

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黄芩甙和地塞米松组水肿明显减轻。In groups BC and DXM, the edema of brain tissues was reduced.

踝关节水肿在白种人和黑色人种中发生得更为频繁。Ankle edema happens more frequently in white and black people.

评价抑肽酶对缺血性脑水肿的抑制作用。Evaluate the anti-action of Aprotinin in ischemic brain edema.

情况严重时,会造成脑水肿甚至死亡。In severe cases, it can lead to cerebral edema and even death.

组织的水肿和创面的渗出又进一步加重了这一紊乱。Tissue edema and wound exudation further worsen the disturbance.

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水肿首先表现在正常时充盈度最低的部位。Edema tends to appear first where tissue turgor is normally lowest.

她有慢性左眼睑下垂和轻度外周性水肿。She had chronic ptosis of the left eyelid and mild peripheral edema.

结果患者全部获治成功,1例曾出现肺水肿。Result All patients were successful, 1 case had ever pulmonary edema.