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"走,"伊索朝他喊道。"Go,"Aesop shouted to him.

伊索是寓言大师。Aesop was the master of the apologue.

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显然,伊索在这则寓言里讲的是“本性论”。Now, Aesop clearly verges on ‘determinism’ here.

然而,伊索却能赢得其中某个主人的尊敬。This man respected Aesop because of his intelligence.

伊索是历史上相当著名的说故事家。Aesop is one of the most famous storytellers of all time.

这也仅仅局限在那些连伊索寓言,拉封丹寓言也忘记了的人当中!But only to people who have forgotten Aesop and La Fontaine!

记得再龟兔赛跑这则伊索寓言吗?Reaffiliate Aesop"s allegory about the turtle and the aerial that had a chase?"

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听说二千多年前有一位叫伊索的人讲了这样子的故事。People say that a man called Aesop told such stories more than two thousand years ago.

如果你只是为了得到什么东西而帮助别人,那你就会失望。——伊索。If you only help people because you can get something out of it for yourself, you'll be disappointed. —— Aesop.

在使用您首选的伊索配方彻底清洁后,涂上薄薄的,甚至一层面膜在您的整个脸上和脖子上。After cleansing throughly with your preferred Aesop formulation, apply a thin, even layer of masque over your entire face and neck.

它只是当时在传说中,不可缺少的角色,你可以在随后的伊索寓言中,找到类似的例子。He's a standard literary device that you see in fables of this period, and later--the kind that you find for example in the fables of Aesop.

这是一个超过700种色彩的进阶儿童填色游戏,同样是教育软件,用者从中可学习有关恐龙,鲨鱼,伊索寓言和长发公主童话故事。This is an advanced children colouring program with over 700 colors. It is an educational program too, reading about Dinosaurs, Sharks, Aesop 's Fables and Rapunzel.