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狮子我都杀过!I kill lion.

狮子会吼叫。A lion roars.

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好,那就叫我狮子好了。OK, I'm a lion.

狮子吼了。The lion roared.

这是一只狮子。This is the lion.

一头狮子在吼叫。A lion was bealing.

我看起来象头狮子。I look like a lion.

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这是一片小叶子。It's a little lion.

他的笔名叫狮子。His penname was Lion.

他像一头猛狮那样战斗。He fought like a lion.

臓“帮帮我!”狮子恳求道。Help me! " begs Lion."

我像狮子一样大声吼。I'm as loud as a lion.

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但是狮子张开了他的爪子。But Lion opens his paw.

兰伯特是一只小狮子。Lambert is a baby lion.

现在我感觉就像头狮子。Now I feel like a lion.

狮子吼叫,吼。The lion roars, raaaar.

狮子触动了陷井。The lion sprang a trap.

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是一头小狮子,抓住他!It's a lion cub, get him!

狮子咬伤其驯兽者。The lion bit his trainer.

狮子又大吼一声。The lion gave a big roar.