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大黄鳝鱼一条,洗净去内脏加调料红烧食用。Chinese rhubarb eel, abluent go splanchnic add condiment edible of braise in soy sauce.

将胎盘洗净切成块,文火与冬虫夏草共煮,炖熟后稍加佐料食用。Will placental abluent cut agglomerate, slow fire and aweto are boiled in all, stew ripe hind slightly spice edible.

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经72小时烘烤,再用砂糖搓洗净糖块表面的淀粉,而后挂砂。包装。Via 72 hours roast, reoccupy is saccharic rub is abluent the starch of sugar surface, hang after that arenaceous, pack.

厨房里的窗户、灯泡和玻璃器皿时间一长就会被油烟熏黑,不易洗净。The window in the kitchen, bulb and glass service time grow to be able to be fumed by lampblack black, not easy and abluent.

在21世纪的曙光到来之际,洗净百年殖民屈辱的香港,终于回到祖国母亲的怀抱。When the dawn of 21 centuries comes, abluent the Hong Kong of hundred years colonial abasement, return the bosom of motherland mother eventually.

将紫菜浸泡后洗净,瘦猪肉洗净切片,两者一起放入锅内,加清水适量,置文火上炖煮。After immersing laver abluent, thin pork is abluent section, both put bowl together inside, add clear water right amount, stew on buy slow fire boil.

冻疮已溃破者,将患处洗净后,直接撒云南白药药粉于创面,用消毒纱布包扎,数日内可愈。Frostbite those already dyke break nozzle abluent hind, direct and yunnan white drug-powder in wound with disinfection, powder, gauze can heal within a few days.

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因此,从泡沫性能、表面张力、去污力三个方面,本研究认为香蕉叶石油醚抽出物、叶多糖和叶绿素铜钠盐可以开发作为餐具洗涤剂或洗涤助剂。The paper suggests that the extraction of petroleum ether, polysaccharide and sodium copper chlorophyllin from banana leaves can be exploited as dishware abluent or abluent–assistants.

销售人员称,该马桶除了可自动遥控的多功能洗净方式,还独创了“坑距可调”的专利技术。The salesperson says, this closestool besides but of automatic remote control muti_function abluent means, return original creation " hole is apart from adjustable " patent technology.

把猪小肠洗净后奖配好佐料的小块鲜瘦肉从猪肚子中挤压进小肠内,圈成8字形晾干。Match the award after pig small intestine is abluent small bright lean lean of good spice enters small intestine from the extruding in pig abdomen inside, the circle becomes 8 glyphs air.

绿豆、滑石、白芷、白附子研末敷面,每晚用清水或化妆水搅匀细末敷脸,干后洗净。Gram, steatitic , Bai Zhi, white monkshood grinds end apply face, use clear water every night or make up face of apply of delicate last stage of water agitate divide evenly, after working abluent.