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这是我们的命根子。That is our lifeline.

选择单个生命线。Select a single lifeline.

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单个生命线重新排序操作Single lifeline reorder operation

巴尔确有一根可能的救命稻草。Barr did have one possible lifeline.

金税工程布下增值税“生命线”。Golden tax project "lifeline" hooks VAT.

因此,谁又是你能信任的、来找到通往真理的生命线呢?So who CAN you trust for a lifeline to truth?

劳工寄回家的都是救命钱。The money the migrants sent back was a lifeline.

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这里注意一点,生命线名称带下划线。Note that, here, the lifeline name is underlined.

不过他们还好有部手机,他们的生机所在。But at least they had the phone, their one lifeline.

这些消息被添加到此生命线的底部。The messages are added to the bottom of the lifeline.

服务质量是礼仪公司经营的生命线。Service quality is the lifeline of business etiquette.

接下来,点击这个图框并将它拖拽到生命线。Next, click the diagram frame and drag it to the lifeline.

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公证质量是公证工作的生命线。The quality of notarization is the lifeline of notary work.

您可以从一个位置到另一个位置重新排序单个生命线。You can reorder a single lifeline from one location to another.

他们可以出售这些树木,用得来的钱购买食物,以捱过坏年成。A lifeline to prune and sell for money to buy food in the bad years.

消息和生命线重新排序操作提供了方案。The message and lifeline reordering operation provides the solution.

填写我的爱是唱她的生命线专辑虹膜德门。Fill My Way With Love is sung by Iris Dement on her "Lifeline" album.

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对于一些科学家,这种伙伴关系可能也是他们的生命线。For some societies the partnerships may be a lifeline for them as well.

土地是农民的“命根子”,这种说法似乎是天经地义的。The argument that land is peasants ' "lifeline" seems perfectly justified.

相反的,一个生命线能用来表现一个匿名的或未命名的实体。Instead a lifeline can be used to represent an anonymous or unnamed instance.