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两脚好象都系得紧紧的。Both seemed securely tied.

船舶是否安全系泊?Is vessel securely moored?

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注意要把船拴牢。See that the boat is securely tied.

把抽屉的侧面牢固地接合起来…Securely jointed the sides of the drawer.

屋顶板条一直没钉牢。The roof was never securely battened down.

检查大灯单元是否牢固入位。Check that the headlamp unit is seated securely.

卡车上的货物已牢固地绑好。The lorry's load had been securely strapped down.

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确信你的安全带系牢了。Make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened.

可以使用算法安全加密文件。Can use blowfish algorithm to securely encrypt files.

他们把这两块木材牢牢地夹在一起。They clamped the two pieces of wood together securely.

然后将其安全地放到根茎的切口处。The scion is then securely placed a cut on the rootstock.

他解开上衣,衬衣的领子还是缝的好好的。He opened his jacket. His shirt collar was securely sewed.

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握手套帮助你安全地握住你的园艺工具。Grip gloves help you to securely hold your gardening tools.

那么,我们怎样隐藏IP,安全、匿名地在网上冲浪呢?So how do we hide IP and securely surf the web anonymously?

下一章中将描述如何安全使用它们。The sections below describe how to deal with them securely.

把东西妥善地打包并标上“被水银污染”。Package materials securely and label as "Mercury-Contaminated.

用混凝土制成的优盘可以安全地存储你的数据。Flash drive made out of concrete will securely store your data.

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只有这样,宇宙的财富才会安然投资到我们身上。In this way the wealth of the universe may be securely invested.

把搁板刨成需要的尺寸以便它们可牢固地镶入贮藏橱中。Dimension the shelves so that they fit securely into the cabinet.

强力吸盘确保其安装牢固。The Power-Grip suction cup ensures it will stay securely attached.