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芝麻,开门!Open Sesame!

他的眼睛睁开。His eyes open.

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他把它割开了。He cut it open.

打开此文件。Open this file.

打开你的听觉。Open your ears.

请把它打开。Please open it.

什么是“开放”?What is "Open"?

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您能打开它吗?Can you open it?

打开窗。Open the window.

张开你的嘴。Open your mouth.

拥有开阔的思想。Have an open mind.

她的外衣敞着。Her coat was open.

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打开后挡板。Open the tailgate.

打开此包。Open this package.

向他们打开心扉。Open up to others.

打开你的冰柜。Open your freezer.

门是开着的。The door was open.

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你的手是张开的。Your hand is open.

我能不能睁开眼?Can I open my eyes?

嗨,把门儿开开!Hey! Open the door!