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使用无反式脂肪的人造黄油。Use trans-fat-free margarine.

人造奶油一度是违法的。At one time, margarine was illegal.

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把植物牛油和砂糖打至松发。Beat margarine and sugar until fluffy.

你可以用人造奶油代替奶油。You can substitute margarine for butter.

经常用人造奶油代替奶油。We often substitute margarine for butter.

牛油或人造奶油有助于保持面包的水分。Butter or margarine help to keep bread moist.

与软质人造黄油相比So, stick margarine compared to tub margarine.

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蜂蜜,花生酱,黄油,麦淇淋。Honey, nutela, peanut butter, butter, margarine.

熔化人造黄油、混合用面粉,牛奶,和蛋。Melt margarine , mix with flour, milk, and eggs.

你能区别黄油和人造黄油吗?Can you distinguish between butter and margarine?

氢化过程使得黄油更不健康In this process, the margarine becomes less healthy.

我们经常以人造奶油代替奶油。SUBSTITUTE】We often substitute margarine for butter.

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你知道奶油和人造奶油的差别吗?Can you tell the difference between butter and margarine?

那个烤鸡沙拉也添加了人造奶油。The salads with grilled chicken also have liquid margarine.

这种人造奶油充满了添加剂——看看这个标签!This margarine is full of additives—just look at the label!

脆包,软包,硬包,芝麻包,黄油,人造黄油。Crisp , Soft Roll , Hard Roll , Sesame rolls Butter, Margarine.

玛丽要奶油,但店主却拿人造奶油欺骗她。Mary asked for butter , but the dealer palmed off margarine on her.

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固体人造黄油是氢化过的,使得其质地更硬The stick margarine has been hydrogenated to make it a more solid form.

因此有些人用人造黄油替代天然黄油。Therefore, some people use natural alternative to margarine and butter.

同样,我把人造黄油桶上的塑料盖子当成迷你切肉板来用。Also, I use the lids from plastic margarine tubs as mini cutting boards.