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银色黎明完蛋了!The Argent Dawn is finished!

更多银黎明的爪牙,毫无疑问。More pawns of the Argent Dawn, no doubt.

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鸾鸟中间点缀着银色的花枝。Argent flowers were dotted among phoenixes.

取“银色派”就不取金色的铰链。Take " argent clique " do not take aureate hinge.

法国,路易菲利浦我,5法郎1831年乙银。France, Louis-Philippe Ier, 5 Francs 1831 B Argent.

他拿起一个银色的东西在我头顶上摇了几圈。He picked a argent thing and put it around my head.

起身吧!银白十字军!攻击的时刻即将到来!Rise up, Argent Crusaders! The hour of justice has come!

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另一个进化是将在3.1中加入的世界事件银色锦标赛,它是作为现行竞技场系统的补充内容加入到游戏中来的。Another new evolution to surface in 3.1 is the Argent Tournament, a re-vamp of the arena system.

金色、银色和白色成功地勾勒出家里的高雅氛围。Aureate, argent draw the outline of successfully with white become a monk or nun the decorous atmosphere in.

绿色与银色的巧妙搭配,出色又绝伦,让人一看就有种清新的感觉。Green and argent clever collocation, wonderful unsurpassed, let a person see gutty and pure and fresh sense.

今天,我呼吁大家团结,让银色黎明和白银之手骑士团结合为一!On this day, I call for a union. The Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand will come together as one!

所以你是银白十字军的一员,对吧?不知道你是否可以帮我们说些好话呢?因为我们想要加入。So you're part of the Argent Crusade, eh? Think you can put in the good word for us? We're looking to join the order.

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在对银白告解者帕尔璀丝的战斗中,完成的银色告解者成就将是最有趣的成就。The Argent Confessor achievement for the fight against Argent Confessor Paletress is probably the most interesting one.

银色锦标赛将增加新日常任务、奖励和更多其它内容,吸引冒险者前来。New dailies , rewards, and more will be available at the Argent Tournament grounds to lure adventurers into the coliseum.

银光色水晶叶子搭配银色调金属茎,花瓶由透明切割水晶制成。The leaves on the silver-tone metal stem sparkle in Comet Argent Light crystal. The flower pot gleams in faceted clear crystal.

“早!”十分钟后,楚仲进了玩吧的大门,习惯性的与早班收银的倩倩打了个招呼。"Early! "After ten minutes, Chu Zhong entered to play of front door, accustomed of accepted argent Qian Qian with morn class to buffet hi.

只等岁月沿路返回的仪式里,巫师们纷纷涂抹光亮的金漆和银粉。I waiting for the ritual that calling the old days come back, while necromancers were polishing the vessels with golden and argent lacquer.

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BLADE带着母亲留下的银色小刀,开始向身居世界黑暗之中的吸血鬼们展开报复。BLADE is carrying the argent small sword that the mother leaves, begin to reside the bloodsucker in world darkness to the body people spread out retaliation.

这个项目的目标是创造一个基地的当代功能——一块国王十字土地的转角部分最近正被Argent客户再开发。The ambition for the project was to create a temporary use for the site – a corner of the Kings Cross lands currently under phased re-development by client Argent.

镀白金色穿孔耳环镶有多面切割的彩白银光水晶,闪烁着平淡温和的颜色。Glittering subtly in pastel shades is this set of rhodium-plated pierced earrings in fully facetted Aurora Borealis Comet Argent Light crystal. The earrings come as a pair.