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如我所料,今天离开的是谈。As expected, Tan is the leaver today.

行动时果实,言语只是叶子。Deeds are fruits, words are but leaver.

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我终于明白,我的梦只属于那个离去的人。I finally know my dream belong to just leaver.

你去了哪里?我还以为你永远都不会离开我。Where did you go?I thought you'd never leaver.

我终于明白,我的梦只属于那个离去的人。I finally know my dream belong to just the leaver.

叶肉质,鳞片状,螺旋状排列,淡黄白色。Leaver fleshy, squamose, spirally arranged, yellowish-white.

首领,先兆,作为领导者或对未来趋势作出指示的人或事。One that serves as a leaver or as a leading indicator of future trends.

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五分之一的大学毕业生挣得比辍学者少,因此还值得去攻读学位吗?So, is it worth getting a degree? One in five graduates is earning less than a school leaver

我也逐渐明白我们必须做一个有纪律、不怕苦的枫叶人。I also gradually understand that we must be a maple leaver who observe discipline and work hard.

离线玩家所携带的金钱同样会被冻结,知道英雄被解锁或者被交换。The gold that the leaver is carrying is also frozen until the hero is either unlocked or swapped.

按下波棍上的按钮,把档把划入D档,松下手刹,车子开始慢慢的向前滑动了。Press the button on the gear leaver and slot into D, release the brake and the car creeps forward.

学业间断年的意义在于它应该是离校生开始做自己喜欢做的事情的时候。The point of a gap year is that it should be the time when the school leaver gets to do the thing that he or she fancies.

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本文通过访谈、文献研究、问卷调查等对澳门中学毕业生的焦虑水平和应对方式进行了探索研究。The research employed the methods of in-depth interview, literature studies, questionnaire to investigate the anxious level and coping style of the school leaver in Macao.