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它是正数。It's a positive number.

钠离子是带正电的。Sodium is net positive.

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积极思考和行动。Think and Act Positive.

什么是正离子?What are positive ions?

乐观,并抱有希望。Be positive and hopeful.

以保证他是个正数。To be a positive number.

起到一个积极的示范作用。Be a positive role model.

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它是一个正和游戏。It's a positive sum game.

传递正能量。Transfer positive energy.

学会积极思考。Develop positive thinking.

这是一件有积极意义的事。It’s a very positive thing.

钠离子是带正电的。The sodium is net positive.

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是的,这是正电。Yeah, this is net positive.

因此Ury认为这是一种积极的否定。Ury calls this a positive no.

你选择了一个正数。You picked a positive number.

其中一些是积极的。And some of them are positive.

诚笃,但要保持正面姿势。Be honest but remain positive.

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模数的范围必须为正。Modulo range must be positive.

WT1基因阳性间皮瘤。WT1 positive for mesothelioma.

水有正的斜率。And water has a positive slope.