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发现者塔也是莫德林学院的一座塔。Founders Tower is also a tower in Magdalen College.

他很少想到走在他身边的也许是个抹大拉女人。He little thought that the Magdalen might be at his side.

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它是该学院仅次于莫德林高塔的第二高塔。It is the second-highest tower in the college, after the Magdalen Great Tower.

为了获取愉悦的参观就仿佛是带着放屁垫去参加莫德林学院的正式宴会一样冒昧。A visit for pleasure was as gross an intrusion as taking a whoopee cushion to high table in Magdalen.

大卡车拖着装载出口木材的双层货车路过马格德林和大学教堂。Great lorries with a double deck cargo of cars for export lumber past Magdalen and the University Church.

它始建于1492年,是牛津大学莫德林学院最古老的建筑之一。Started to be built in 1492, it is one of the oldest parts of Magdalen College, the university of Oxford.

这是莫德林学院建院550年历史上首次变更学生休息室的名称。It is the first time Magdalen College Junior Common Room has changed its name during its 550 year history.

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莫德林高塔是莫德林学院最古老的建筑之一,也是该学院最高的塔。Magdalen Great Tower is one of the oldest buildings at Magdalen College, as well as the highest tower at the College.

当时我在麦格德林鹿公园的一座小桥上往下看。I was looking over a small bridge in Magdalen Deer Park, and a tiny mustached and hatted figure came and stood by my side.

人们聚集在高街和莫德林桥上聆听赞美诗,直到他们为别的活动而分散了注意力。Large crowds gather in the High Street and on Magdalen Bridge to listen the hymns, until they disperse for other activities.

他围着桌子一瘸一拐地跑,衬衫被撕成一条条的,像缎带一般在空中呼扇着,裤子脱落到脚后跟上,被麦达伦学院那个手里拿着裁缝大剪刀的埃德斯追赶着。With slit ribbons of his shirt whipping the air he hops and hobbles round the table, with trousers down at heels, chased by Ades of Magdalen with the tailor's shears.

根据牛津莫德林学院退休精神学教授约翰·斯坦的研究,阅读绝非是一个被动活动,“阅读可以运动整个大脑,”他解释道。According to John Stein, emeritus professor of neuroscience at Magdalen College, Oxford, reading is far from a passive activity. 'Reading exercises the whole brain, ' he explains.

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我们在图片中所展示的人物,从左到右依次是大卫休谟,皮特斯特劳森爵士,他在马达兰群岛生活多年,我认为他发迹于大学,无疑是牛津的代表。The people shown here what we got David Hume on the left, Sir Peter Strawson who was at magdalen for many years and I think started out at university college so he is very much an Oxford man.