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还有水警,-水警。And coastguard. -Coastguard.

海岸警备队把营救小队分驻在沿海一带。The coastguard bases rescue units along the ocean shores.

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代表英国海事与海岸警卫署。A. stands for the Maritime & Coastguard Agency of Britain.

海岸警卫队缉私艇沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。The coastguard cutter cruise along the coast look for smuggler.

在海岸警卫员的小屋正好可以看得见海湾壮丽的景色。The coastguard cottages had a splendid view overlooking the bay.

水上警察缉私船沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。The coastguard cutter cruised along the coast looking for smugglers.

遇难船正发射信号弹以引起海岸警卫队的注意。The wrecked ship is firing flare to attract the attention of the coastguard.

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日出把马萨诸塞州科德角的水上边防站海滩的天空染成了淡橙色。Sunrise paints the sky pale orange over Coastguard Beach in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

曾以拒绝接受日本海岸警备队登船检查的指控而被逮捕。Zeng was held on charges of attempting torefuse an on-board inspection by Japan's coastguard.

塞舌尔海岸警卫队的发言人说他们没有这对夫妇的任何消息。A spokesman for the Seychelles coastguard said they didn't have any information about the couple.

亚伯丁海岸防卫队的艾伦山德说,这些气球发出的亮光可能造成了混淆。Aberdeen Coastguard 's Alan Shand said the sheen from the balloons may have caused the confusion.

由于没有海岸警卫队和海军保护,在整个1990年代,外国。With no coastguard or navy, the coastal waters were plundered by foreign trawlers throughout the 1990s.

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英国海事和海岸警备局确认发射台在10月23日下午11时已被激活。The British maritime and coastguard agency confirmed the beacon had been activated at 11pm on 23 October.

日本海岸自卫队表示,他们正在试图搜寻一艘被海啸从宫城附近卷走的载有80名码头工人的轮船。Japan's coastguard said it was searching for 80 dock workers on a vessel swept away from a shipyard in Miyagi.

火车站之西的水警塔是建于十五世纪未的城门之一。The railway station to the west of the coastguard tower was built in the fifteenth century not one of the gate.

英国英国皇家空军、爱尔兰海岸警卫队以及爱尔兰军舰仍在持续不断找寻失踪的五个人。The British RAF, the Irish Coastguard and an Irish Naval ship are continuing to search for the missing five people.

我们知道,如果马奎斯的妻子见船迟迟不归就会给水上警察打电话。Corey had a waterproof watch, and we knew Marquis's wife would call the coastguard if the boat wasn't back by a certain time.

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一棵橡树穿过一枚橡树宪章生长着,而直升机装饰风格的则是根据一个真正的海岸警卫队直升机改造的。An oak tree grows up through the middle of Charter Oak while the Helicopter interior is based around a real coastguard chopper.

韩国海岸警卫队长官金东进说,今天韩国已经将2搜载有2000箱救助物资的船驶至延坪岛。South Korea sent two ships carrying 2,000 boxes of relief supplies to Yeonpyeong today, a coastguard official, Kim Dong-jin, said.

当海警逮捕了中国渔民,中国取消了会议,搞砸了日本的交易,不再向日本出口稀土。After the coastguard arrested the fishermen, China cancelled meetings, gummed up Japanese trade and stopped exports of rare earths.