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私心是罪的老根子。Selfishness is the root of all sin.

忘我主义的反面是自私自利。Altruism is the opposite of selfishness.

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凯瑟琳说,“你以为我说这些是出于阴险的自私心么?”You think I speak from wicked selfishness?

自私是一种可恨的品质。Selfishness is a detestable quality in anyone.

就是为自己而活,或者我们所说的自私。It is living for yourself, or we say selfishness.

我们不愿承认我们孩子中的自私自利We do not acknowledge selfishness in our children

经过这件事情,自私的他原形毕露了。His selfishness was exposed through this incident.

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理想是肥皂,洗灌你的自私心。Ideal is a soap which washes off your selfishness.

自私和不快常是连在一起的。Selfishness and unhappiness often go hard in hand.

而自憎不过是换了一种形式的自私。And self-hatred is just another form of selfishness.

怎么是人类的最大祸源。Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race.

比赛当中是自私与无私并存。There is both selflessness and selfishness expected.

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这条路径的另一个术语叫文明的自私。Another term for this path is enlightened selfishness.

缺陷可以是某种形式的骄傲,可以是自私或者贪婪。The flaw can be a form of pride, selfishness or greed.

兼爱是否在祛除自私心?", and "whether 'Universal Love' dissolves selfishness?

自私是人的固有本性All of us have this natural selfishness when we are born.

否认章些根基原则会导致普遍的自私。The denial of these ultimates results in mass selfishness.

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我们倾向于把嫉妒与卑鄙、自私相等同。We tend to equate jealousy with pettiness and selfishness.

我们倾向于将强迫症视为某种自私的表现。We tend to think of hypochondria as a kind of selfishness.

他以慷慨大方的假象掩饰他的自私。He glossed over his selfishness with a display of generosity.