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外向的女人肥胖的几率是内向的女人的1.53倍。Extrovert women were 1.53 times as likely to be obese.

我们用性格内向和外向的人举个例子。Let’s take the example of an introvert and an extrovert.

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举例来说,一份销售工作通常需要一个性格外向的人。As an example, a sales job usually requires an extrovert.

向右倾斜的字体表示这人的性格比较开放或者外向。Right slanting writing shows a more outgoing or extrovert nature.

内向的人和外向的人在同时被放入两个同样的房间。The introvert and the extrovert are placed into 2 identical rooms at the same time.

但总的来说,总是会有某种占主导位置的性格特征让你被归为内向人群,或外向人群。But overall you probably lean more towards being either an extrovert or an introvert.

如果你是外向而且是「J」,你是个思考者或是感受者,无论哪个都是强势的。If you are an extrovert and a "J, " you are a thinker or feeler, whichever is stronger.

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你毫无疑问是一个性格外向的人并且你的桌子可能成为办公室中大家喝咖啡时的聚集地。You are a doubtless an extrovert and your desk is probably the coffee hub of the office.

水瓶宫在星座上是特性是充满了生命力,热情和外向开朗。The zodiac sign Aquarius represents a personality full of life, zeal and extrovert qualities.

你觉得你的个性是倾于外向,还是内向?This usage makes the extrovert and the introvert seem to stand for opposed personality types.

当我高兴地向陌生人做自我介绍,并加入团体讨论时,许多人误认为我是一个性格内向的人。Many people mistake me for an extrovert when I gladly introduce myself to strangers join in group discussions.

研究结果发现家庭经济状况良好、个性外向、女性、以及就读科系的不同会影响学生是否出国游学。The study results show students participating study tours more likely come from higher income family, are female and extrovert.

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唯一的解释就是,导师非常外向,充满领袖气质,乐观开朗,当然了,还很高。And the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing, extremely charismatic, very cheerful and extrovert and of course, tall.

无论你是外向的人还是内向的人,接受你的性格,并享受你独特性格为你带来的一切,那么你的生活必定会变得更愉快,更充实。Whether you're an extrovert or introvert, accepting and enjoying your dominant personality traits can lead to a happier, more fulfilled life.

既然在一个很多人的场合中很难让你放光彩,那么在这种场合之间,你需要给自己比外向的人更多的时间。"Since it's hard for you to shine in a big gathering, you need to give yourself more time in between them than an extrovert would, " she says.

我活波外向,喜欢群体工作,并且带有一些插科打诨的言谈和性情——这也绝非巧合。It's not a coincidence that I'm an energetic extrovert who enjoys working a crowd and has some of the delivery and instincts of a stand-up comic.

在与上司一起用餐的场合中,你是选择低头猛吃、什么都不说,还是表现的较为活泼、外向,以便吸引上司的注意?During the dining occasion, will you bury yourself in food and keep silent or will you be easy-going and extrovert to attract the boss's attention?

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你可以说“她性格外向”或者“她是个乐天派”,你也可能知道他或她在面临不同情况或者他人不同类型行为时的反应。You can say "she's an extrovert" or "she's usually happy." You may also know how he or she reacts to different situations and other people's behavior.

格兰富是一个全球化的团体,在这里,你将有国际化的沟通,所以我们希望你性格外向并且熟练掌握较高的英语水平。Grundfos is a global group, and you will have international contacts. Therefore it is important that you are extrovert and master English on a high level.

浙江天鸿汽车用品有限公司是中外合资的专门从事汽车用品生产、销售的外向型企业。Zhejiang Tianhong Auto Accessaries Co. , Ltd. is an extrovert enterprise of joint venture, which is engaged in producing and selling the auto accessories.