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ini中的参数register_globals必须关闭。Register_globals should be turned off in php.ini.

无法从媒体INI文件中读取敺动器名称。Cannot read the device name from the media . INI file.

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无法从媒体INI文件中读与敺动器类型。Cannot read the device type from the media . INI file.

无法从媒体INI文件中读取段名。Cannot read the section name from the media . INI file.

INI易于阅读、使用简单并且需要极少依赖。INI is easy to read, simple to use, and requires very few dependencies.

我试过把boot.ini文件中的2改成1,但没有效果。I tried to edit the boot.ini by changing the 2 to 1, that does not help.

PHP调用各个扩展的MINIT方法,从而使这些扩展切换到可用状态。PHP calls MINIT method of each extension, which is being enabled. View your php.ini

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在清单2中,我们看到了用于配置SecurityManager实例的INI配置例子。In Listing 2, we see the example INI configuration we will use to configure the SecurityManager instance.

这是有益的,因为有一个应用程序的单一管理点,jtapi.ini独立。This is beneficial because there is a single point of application administration, independent of jtapi. ini.

iniRealm对象,它被SecurityManager用来表示以INI格式定义的用户帐户。The iniRealm object, which is a component used by the SecurityManager to represent user accounts defined in the INI format.

这就使得产品,或者说是您,可以改变插件的行为。This allows products, or you, to change plug-in behavior. The default plugin_customization.ini file contains only one entry

这个过滤器可以读取上述shiro.ini配置,这样不论什么开发环境,你都拥有了一致的配置体验。This filter can read the aforementioned shiro.ini config so you have a consistent configuration experience regardless of deployment environment.

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为了更易于更新,RUL和INI文件被单独作为NAM控制器,GLR和双重网络连接板块文件按可选文件制作。The RUL and INI files have been separated as "NAM Controller" for easier updates as well. GLR and dual-networking puzzle pieces have been made optional.

你还能看到,只要简单地理解对象导航,INI可被有效地用于配置像SecurityManager那样简单的对象图。You’ll also see that with a simple understanding of object graph navigation, INI can be used effectively to configure simple object graph like the SecurityManager.

预先配置的默认密码,创建设备文件名为sysinfo.ini成使用密码要在插入前盖和地点的文件夹中的2577。To pre-configure default password, create a file named sysinfo. ini with the password you want in caps and place the file in the 2577 folder before inserting into the device.