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击败热火队?Beat the Heat?

那这个鼓点就是So the beat is.

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节奏和鼓点Rhythm and beat.

这是我的管区。This is my beat.

我伤透了脑筋。I beat my brains.

鼓声沉闷的响着。The drum beat dully.

她的丈夫老爱打她。Her husband beat her.

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她把鸡蛋打好了。She beat up the eggs.

用棒槌敲打。To beat with a stick.

她搅匀了鸡蛋。she beat up the eggs.

凯撒铁骑,剑指高卢Caesar beat the Gauls.

他把她毒打了一顿。He beat up on her bad.

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我谅你也不敢打我。I dare you to beat me.

我老婆打了我的眼睛一拳。My wife beat me on it.

那种奶油搅拌不成糊状。That cream won't beat.

这鼓敲得很响。The drums beat loudly.

我可以随时打败你。I can beat you anytime.

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我的心一沉。My heart missed a beat.

你要打他吗?Are you goanna beat him?

妈妈心里一咯噔。Her heart missed a beat.