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涓涓小溪也会成为滚滚洪流。A trickle becomes a torrent.

但是从前稳定的人才流入如今变为了涓涓细流。But a once-steady flow is now a trickle.

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这条小河变成细流了。The stream has thinned down to a mere trickle.

这个小滴流成一个大发展。This small trickle developed into a big stream.

浴室靠窗上的微流通风器通风。The bedrooms rely on trickle vents in the windows.

很小的一股泥石流可能会先于更大的流量。A trickle of flowing mud may precede a larger flow.

断开蓄电池充电器蓄电池滴流充电。Disconnect battery charger battery trickle charging.

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现在支持此理论的证据鱼贯而出。Now evidence for the theory has started to trickle in.

她心又一疼,泪珠大滴地落到杯里。She another heart pain, Leizhu Beili fell to a trickle.

如今,曾经的涓涓细流已经会流成惊天巨浪。What began as a trickle now has turned into a tidal wave.

一条曾经从该湖流出的小河,现在已经变成了一条滴流。A river that flowed out of the lake was reduced to a trickle.

一滴水自他的脊背留下让他打了个寒战。A trickle of moisture ran down his spine and made him shudder.

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用盐调味,滴一大滴橄榄油,加入黑椒。Season with salt, a good trickle of olive oil and black pepper.

事实上山托兰甚至还发誓“让财富从天上流下来。”Santorum actually vowed to let the "wealth really trickle down."

这种“涓流充电”状态会一直保持到电池被从充电槽中移走。This "trickle charge" stops only when the batteries are removed.

全国各地的死亡报告几乎每天都陆陆续续传来。Reports of deaths across the country trickle in almost every day.

涓涓细流一旦停止了喧哗,浩浩大海也就终止了呼吸。The trickle once stopped roaring, the vast sea stopped breathing.

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他觉得一股热热的汗水沿着股沟向下流。He felt a warm trickle of sweat running down the crack to his anus.

一些看戏来得早的观众在开演前一小时就开始陆陆续续到来了。Some early theatregoers began to trickle in an hour before the show.

另一个原因是他们的奇迹已经足够氧气和涓流的水。Another reason for their miracle was enough oxygen and a trickle of water.