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鸡肋!Chicken ribs.

他是个胆小鬼。He is a chicken.

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还是鸡内脏?Chicken entrails?

你是个胆小鬼。You are a chicken.

酱汁烤鸡腿。Roasted Chicken Leg.

请给我鸡肉饭。Chicken rice, please.

我喜欢鸡翅。I like chicken wings.

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我吃腻了鸡肉。I'm tired of chicken.

他有一个养鸡场。He has a chicken farm.

有的,我们有凉拌鸡。I'd love chicken salad.

先有鸡还是先有蛋呢?The Chicken or the Egg?

叫化鸡是什么?What is Beggar Chicken?

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妈妈吆,喂小鸡。Mom'll feed the chicken.

我的堂姐有一只小鸡。My cousin has a chicken.

在我炸鸡肉的时候。While I fry the chicken.

我的鸡排也很棒。My chicken is great, too.

你的一只鸡开花了!Your chicken is in bloom!

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争论中,西凤摔倒。Debate, west chicken fall.

五十六个鸡块?Fifty-six chicken nuggets?

您的咖喱鸡。Here's your chicken curry.