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砌一座堡垒。Build a fort.

碉堡被撤空了。The fort was evacuated.

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他为国牺牲了。He died fort he country.

我们可以参观安平古堡。We can visit An-Ping Fort.

英国东印度公司于1639年在此建立圣·乔治要塞。Founded in 1639 as Fort St.

那条沟排出沼泽中的水。The fort flanks on a swamp.

堡垒侧面靠着沼泽。The fort flanked on a swamp.

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部队围攻城堡。The troops besieged the fort.

堡垒中的守军投降了。The men in the fort capitulated.

你驻扎在布拉格堡吗?You stationed out at Fort Bragg?

士兵从堡垒里向外射击。The soldiers fired from the fort.

搬家卡车出租沃斯堡。Transfer Truck Rental Fort Worth.

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迪克斯堡密谋者是被判有罪的。The Fort Dix plotters are convicted.

我们将大炮对准要塞。We trained our cannon upon the fort.

那座碉堡被敌人攻下来了。They yielded their fort to the enemy.

军队把大炮瞄向要塞。The army trained its cannon On the fort.

这支军队把一门大炮对准了那座碉堡。The army trained its cannon on the fort.

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要塞一枪没放就失守了。The fort fell without a shot being fired.

敌人炮火轰击城堡的围墙。Enemy fire battered the walls of the fort.

它现在在封存在沃斯堡。It is now in flyable storage in Fort Worth.