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每个梦都是女人离去的余影。Each dream is an afterimage of a women leaving.

这就是我的心镜中照出的清代残影。This is the afterimage of Qing dynasty reflected in my mirror.

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感官心理学将这种现象称作“正后像”。In sensory psychology this effect is called a "positive afterimage."

你会在手上看到后像,而且它会比在墙上时来得大。You will see the afterimage on your hand and it will appear larger than when it was on the wall.

几年后他们见面后,他们其实可以看到爱情的残影。When they meet each other again after a few years, they could actually see the afterimage of love.

如果你把所有的前几步的素材合成到一起,那么这个小国就完成了。It will complete if you composite all Materials. In order to leave an afterimage to line animation.

残留感觉,后觉在刺激停止起作用之后仍滞留的感官印象,如余象或。A sensory impression, such as an afterimage or aftertaste, that persists after the stimulus has ceased to act.

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方法对38例共同性斜视患者在手术前及手术后进行后像灯检测。Method 38 cases of preoperative and postoperative concomitant strabismus patients were made the afterimage test.

但是,当观众跟著闭上他们的眼睛,他们吃惊地看到清晰的BMW残影在眼盖上。But when the audience then close their eyes they are startled to see the clear afterimage of the BMW logo on their eyelids.

两个观察者都没有看清那个圣骑士的动作,只看到了水晶剑划出的穿透那个恶魔的闪电般的美丽弧线。The observers did not see the paladin move, only the bright afterimage as the crystal sword traced a lightning-like arc through the fiend.

产生游戏者残影效果。将人物画面存储在历史缓冲中,并延迟一段时间作为残影显示。Enables player afterimage effects. the character ' s frames are stored in a history buffer, and are displayed after a delay as afterimages.

通过对视觉负后像补色平衡原理的论述,着重分析了视觉负后像在艺术设计中的运用。The principle of visual negative afterimage supplementary color balance was introduced. The applications of visual negative afterimage in the artistic design were analyzed.