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那才是真正的王道。That ability is right kingly way.

他的言辞是对王权的侵犯。His words was a breach upon kingly power.

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然后他被任命为和尚,放弃了他的君主生活。Then he was ordained a monk and gave up his kingly life.

万事自有其定律,顺其天然才是王道。Everything has its laws, shun its natural is the kingly way.

所以“受膏者“是王的头衔。If someone's called "the anointed one," that's a kingly title.

国王立即赐给阿凡提一褡裢金银。Kingly instantly award A every carries bullion of one Da Lian.

我们提倡王道,绝不屈服于任何人。We advocate the kingly way and never bend our knees to anyone.

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业务设计才是提高性能的王道。Business design just is the kingly way that improves performance.

他有一副君主的与和善的面貌,慈悲,但陷入里面去。He was a kingly and kindly figure, benevolent but not uninvolved.

呵,向一个乞丐伸手求乞真是一个天大的玩笑!Ah, what a kingly jest was it to open thy palm to a beggar to beg!

呵,这开的是什么样的帝王的玩笑,向一个乞丐伸手求乞!Ah, what a kingly jest was it to open thy palm to a beggar to beg!

弥尔顿拒绝成为具有君主地位诗人荷马的附属。Milton refuses the state of splendid vassalage to a kingly poet likeHomer.

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1610年,赫里福德的约翰·戴维斯写到他扮演了君主类角色。In 1610, John Davies of Hereford wrote that "good Will" played "kingly" roles.

讨论神起的生活花边,你所喜欢的王道,5只最永恒的话题。The discussion TVXQ the life lace, you like kingly way, 5 most eternal topics.

几乎所有令人赞叹的管理体制都是在国王的首创之下发展起来的。Almost the whole of the admirable system has been developed by kingly initiative.

这意味着在充分体现在该法中的生活你的生活作为一个“王道人”。This culminates in full expression in the act of living your life as a "Kingly Man".

如果说西方是自然法,中国就是“王道-王法”。If the Western people stress the natural law, the Chinese the "kingly way-Wang Faren."

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欲称王,只需要有帝国的疆域,言行举止好似一个王就可。To be a king, one need merely put forth one's regal state, one simply needs to act kingly.

大臣心急如焚,向国王痛陈利弊,说弄不好会亡国。Chancellery is fraught, to fraud of kingly painful Chen Li, say to handle bad meeting a conquered nation.

沙杰汗①,你宁愿听任皇权消失,却希望使一滴爱的泪珠②永存。You allowed your kingly power to vanish, Shajahan, but your wish was to make imperishable a tear-drop of love.