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冰能帮助保藏食物。Ice helps to preserve food.

哦,他一定是保存实力了。Oh, he must preserve his strength.

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我们用盐把肉腌了起来,以防腐臭。We salted the meat to preserve it.

保护生态环境。Preserve the ecological environment.

在禁猎区内不许打猎。No hunting is allowed in the preserve.

你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。You can preserve meat or fish in salt.

保护月亮湾及其周边地区。Preserve Moon Bay and surrounding area.

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求你使我在你的公义上生活。Preserve my life in your righteousness.

实际上,它可能保存住晶体。It might actually preserve the crystals.

鸭蛋腌制得令人不满意。Duck eggs do not preserve satisfactorily.

记谱法让我们能得以保护艺术成果It allows us to preserve the work of art.

你需要盐和糖来腌肉。You need salt and sugar to preserve meat.

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服食一种能维持病状的药散。Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill.

是使用峡谷呢还是全封闭保存?Do you use canyons or do we preserve them all?

当我们开始行动,即是为寻求保守或改变。When we act we seek to preserve or to change.

我们做眼保健操来保护视力。We do the eye exercise to preserve our eyesight.

邪恶一直是宗教的禁脔。WICKEDNESS has long been the preserve of religion.

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如果不使用动物做实验,我们就难以保持人类的生活质量,And we could not preserve the quality of human life

中国人深明保存食物之道。Chinese people know very well how to preserve food.

你可以以省电的方式去节省资源。You can use less electricity to preserve resources.