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逐字翻译不一定最接近原义。He made a literal interpretation.

是只有一种解释吗?Is there only one interpretation?

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你的生活由你演译。Your life from your interpretation.

标准的解释是开放的。Standards are open to interpretation.

考虑对收养法进行释法。Adoption law is up for interpretation.

然而,这个解释是片面的。But their interpretation is one-sided.

你会如何解读?,太糟糕了。What's the interpretation? -- Terrible.

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怎么用诺斯替来诠释这个?What's the Gnostic interpretation of that?

但还有另一个可能的解释。But there’s another possible interpretation.

获得一个敏捷的解释很容易。Having an interpretation of Agility is easy.

鸽子是爱情的最好诠释者。The dove is the best interpretation of love.

IMA浓度的临床意义Clinical interpretation of IMA concentrations

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释圆笑而不语。Interpretation of the circle laughed language.

诠释学是关于诠释的技巧和原则。It is the art or principles of interpretation.

这契约不容许做别的解释。The contract admits of no other interpretation.

他的翻译通顺易懂。His interpretation is coherent and intelligible.

中级口译终于考完了。Intermedia Interpretation has finally been done.

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解释权归露得清中国所有。Interpretation owned by Neutrogena all of China.

这一解释是非法的、无效的。This interpretation is illegitimate and invalid.

任何方式的解读经文都是解经。Any kind of interpretation of a text is exegesis.