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由于土地贫瘠而无法耕作。The poorness of the land makes farming impossible.

您知道有些人为了摆脱贫穷,宁愿去死。Some people are willing to die because of poorness.

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在她的晚年,孤独与贫困一直伴随着她。In her old age , loneliness and poorness accompanied her.

在他这样的一个人,一种掩饰的习惯是一种阻挠,一个。A habit of dissimulation is a hindrance, and a poorness to him.

成败一念间,贵贱一丝线,呜呼哀哉!There is only a slight boundary between success and failure, richness and poorness.

她因为她破败的屋子,简陋的墙壁,破旧的椅子和丑陋的窗帘而痛苦。She suffered from the poorness of her house, from its mean walls, worn chairs and ugly curtains.

在国穷民困、内乱外辱的近代中国,教育救国的理想承载着国人期望。Modern Chinese people expected to save the nation from poorness and weakness by developing education.

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系统的分析了120型紧急阀在生产中存在的灵敏度不良问题的原因及措施。This paper analyzed the reasons and measures of sensitivity poorness defect about 120 emergency valve in the process of production.

其三,某一异物的出现与消失,也与物因宝失家贫。There is the seam relation between some peculiar objects appear or disappear and the mode that the family poorness when its treasure lost.

由于经济、文化、教育的相对落后,山区农村中学的心理健康教育一直是一个突出的问题。Because of the relative poorness of economy, culture and education, the education of psychological health is always a obvious problem in the rural areas.

需求产品设计作为产品设计的第一步,直接影响产品设计质量的优劣。The demanded product design to be regarded as the first step of product design will affect directly on the excellence or poorness of product's designing quality.

生活当中的贫穷折磨着他的身心,但是坚强乐观的他始终没有放弃对生活的激情,继续为人类谱写出华美的乐章。The poorness in his life hurt his body. But he never gave up and used to struggle against his illness tenaciously. He went on to compose the magnificent movements.

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我国现有的校园文化尚存有内容单一,质量不高,传播手段缺乏等等不足。Measures have to be taken to solve such problems as monotony in content, poorness in quality and lack of dissemination means so as to improve the level and grade of campus culture.

用基尼系数和五等份法来衡量,我国转轨进程中的居民贫富差距呈逐步扩大趋势。By using Gini-coefficient and five-share method to measure, the tendency of our citizen's richness and poorness appears enlarging step by step during the changing process in our country.