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艺术家设想的美国航天港Artist's sketch of Spaceport America.

我和我丈夫住在太空船发射降落场附近。My husband and I live near Spaceport.

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我的家离宇航中心只有几里路。My house is only a few miles from Spaceport.

你曾负责太空港的工程?。Malcolm, you worked on the Spaceport project?

亚伯拉罕的军队在太空船发射降落场的通路前进。Abraham blocks the advance at the gateway to the Spaceport.

“我是来开车把您送到太空港去的。”最后他终于开口了。"I have come to drive you to the spaceport , " he said at last.

这是在商业性的大西洋中部的太空船基地的首次发射。It was the first launch for the mid-Atlantics commercial spaceport.

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卢克和安杜薇尔迅速逃出拥挤的太空港,以防被这种传染病感染。Luke and Anduvil fled the crowded spaceport to avoid the spread of contagion.

这颗布满太空港的卫星位于艾托布星系,围绕赫特人的大本营纳尔赫塔星旋转。The spaceport moon orbits the Hutt stronghold world of Nal Hutta, in the Y'Toub system.

莫哈韦机场已经申请执照,要成为首家持证的内陆“太空港”。Mojave Airport has already applied for a licence to become the first certified inland "spaceport".

当航天飞机绕一个大弯朝东南方的航天港飞去时,下面巴纳纳河的宽广水面闪着银光。The broad sheet of the Banana River flashes as the shuttle makes a long turn toward the spaceport to the southeast.

兰多·卡瑞森恰好在塔那伯的太空港城市潘达斯的小酒馆里,在全息播放器上看到了情况。Lando Calrissian happened to be in a cantina in Taanab's spaceport city of Pandath, observing the situation on a holovid.

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她一开始她的工作,新墨西哥的立法机构就将项目的预算经费削减了一半。No sooner had she started in her new job, the New Mexico legislature slashed the spaceport office budget by more than half.

这两颗外国卫星将从印度安得拉邦南部的斯里哈里科塔航天发射场发射。The two foreign satellites will be launched from the spaceport of Sriharikota in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

发现号是在一个多云的中午降落在美国航天中心太空飞船降落场的。这比原定计划稍晚了一点。Discovery swooped through a cloudy sky and landed at NASA's spaceport in mid-afternoon, a little later than initially planned.

银河酒店公司计划在加勒比海的一个小岛上建造一个发射场,并使用俄国火箭来接送宾客。Galactic Suite plans to transport its travelers to space via Russian rockets from a spaceport to be built on a Caribbean island.

克利格有一次前往繁忙的莫斯艾斯帕太空港,在那里爱上了施密·天行者。她是托伊达利亚配件商沃图的奴隶。During a trip to the bustling spaceport of Mos Espa, Cliegg fell in love with Shmi Skywalker, a slave owned by Toydarian junk trader Watto.

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在甘肃的酒泉宇航中心长征二号的火箭将神州七号飞船发射到轨道。The Shenzhou VII capsule soared into orbit atop a Long-March II-F rocket from the Jiuquan spaceport in Gansu province in the northwest of China.

这也是为什么美国航天港会建在这个不毛之地,毗邻本已限制空域的联邦导弹发射区。That is one reason why Spaceport America is in such a remote location, adjacent to a federal missile range, which already has restricted airspace.

我们静静地注视着它们,差不多有五分钟。爱德华看了看他的手表,告诉我咱们应该继续上路去太空港了。We watched them in total silence for perhaps five minutes. Then Edward checked his timepiece and decided that we had to continue to the spaceport.