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漂亮的曼海姆教堂穹顶。The beautiful dome of Mannheim church.

这是曼海姆市的卫星照片。Satellite picture of the city of Mannheim.

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我在曼海姆时听过你的弦乐四重奏We--I heard your string quartet in Mannheim.

我在曼海姆时听过你的弦乐四重奏"We--I heard your string quartet in Mannheim."

再走4公里,我们到达了曼海姆的中心。Another 4 kilometers, we reached the center of Mannheim.

位于德国西南部,莱茵河上曼海姆对面的一座港口城市。A city of southwest Germany on the Rhine River opposite Mannheim.

德国西南部位于曼海姆西北偏北莱茵河上的一座城市。A city of southwest Germany on the Rhine River north-northwest of Mannheim.

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介绍了曼海姆炉的结构特点、砌筑方式及工作原理。The structure, construction and operation principle of Mannheim Oven are introduced.

如今,穆阿仁和他的儿子以及手下三个雇员在曼海姆组建的这家小公司正处在破产的边缘。The small Mannheim business, which consists of Mouazzen, his son and three employees, is now struggling to survive.

根据曼海姆调研中心ZEW的最新调查,德国企业的信心跌至15年来的新低。German business confidence fell to a 15-year low in the latest poll carried out by ZEW, a research centre in Mannheim.

奥芬巴赫市德国中部一城市,位于梅茵河沿岸曼海姆市东北偏北,于10世纪时第一次如此命名,为一工业城市,以皮制品闻名。人口107,378。Mannheim on the Main River. First mentioned in the tenth century, it is an industrial center noted for its leather goods. Population, 107, 378.

本文在简述曼海姆“思想社会境况决定论”的基础上,对教师的“个人观点”进行了重新解读,阐明了“个人观点”产生的社会学根源。The paper throws light on personal view of teachers and its'root in sociology on the basis of'ideas decided by social circumstance'of Mannheim.

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从曼海姆城附近的莱恩河进入到内卡河,整条单车路径,沿途你经过很多别有风格的城堡,葡萄庄园,乡村小旅馆和美丽的旧城镇。It ends where the Neckar enters the Rhine near Mannheim. Along the way, you'll pass many castles, vineyards, country inns and beautiful old towns.

Rietschel是德国汉堡大学曼海姆精神卫生研究中心的一名基因流行病学精神疾病方面的教授。Rietschel is a professor of genetic epidemiology in psychiatryat the Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim at the Universityof Heidelberg, Germany.

探讨曼海姆如何从意识形态入手,将自然科学与意识形态融入知识社会学,给我们当前的热点研究提供了可能的选择路径。Mannheim start to explore how ideology integrate into the knowledge of natural science and ideology, sociology, given our current study a possible select path.

曼海姆将马克思意识形态理论的知识社会学意义及意识形态的政治性日趋明朗化了。Mannheim not only further clarified the significance of the knowledge sociology of Marx's ideology theory, but also made the political nature of the ideology clearer.

德国毕维银行于1871年建立斯图加特,我们是作为发行钞票的银行,一年后我们迁移到曼海姆作为大公国公爵直辖领地的发行钞票银行。In 1871, we are founded in Stuttgart as the note-issuing bank of the Kingdom of Württemberg. One year later, we were founded in Mannheim as the note-issuing bank for the Grand Duchy of Baden.