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她悲痛地哭了很久。She cried long and bitterly.

蠢事后悔已极。He bitterly repented his folly.

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他十分后悔他的蠢行。He has bitterly repented his folly.

这种想法凄恻伤害了她的傲慢。Her pride stung bitterly at the thought.

之后就悻悻睡着,并没有在意。After the bitterly fell asleep and did not care.

她把这些伤心事都说给她丈夫听。She complained bitterly of all this to her husband.

当那小女孩的宠物猫死了后,她伤心地哭了。The little girl cried bitterly when her pet cat died.

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爱很甜,没有毒,却让人流泪痛哭。Love is sweet, no poison, but let person cry bitterly.

这里一定要哭得凄凄哀哀。The script says this character must bitterly cry here.

由于缺乏远见,他们正在吃大亏。They are now bitterly paying for their lack of vision.

她夜间痛哭,泪流满腮。Bitterly she weeps at night, tears are upon her cheeks.

现在天气冷极了,地面都冻硬了。It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.

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他讨厌那些趾高气昂的小军官。He resented bitterly the authority of the petty officers.

王和臣仆也都哭得甚恸。And the king also and all his servants wept very bitterly.

与炎热的白天形成对比,夜晚却寒冷刺骨。In contrast to the hot days, the nights are bitterly cold.

在中国,我们常听到勉人“苦读”的话头。In China, one often encourages students to "study bitterly."

阿Q尤其“深恶而痛绝之”的,是他的一条假辫子。What Ah Q especially "hated bitterly" was his phoney pigtail.

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我从来没有上过学,这使我这一生感到悔恨。I never went to school, and I've rued it bitterly all my life.

唐糖对着大海痛苦的嘶喊委屈的痛哭。Tang sugar, on pain of wronged call the sea and wept bitterly.

那法兰克大公悲痛地哭着看着自已的士兵被残杀。The Frankish duke wept bitterly to see his soldiers massacred.