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不要耍那些不怕死的绝招。Do not try any of those daredevil stunts.

冒失鬼夫妇决定远出旅游度假。Daredevil couple decided to vacation far out.

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玲玲马戏团中艺高人胆大的明星小丑贝洛。Bello Nock, the star daredevil clown of the Ringling Bros.

各家好手齐聚的麒麟艺高的面试会场。Each ace of kylin daredevil gathered in the interview venue.

这位45岁的拼命三郎到达顶部后被拘捕。The 45-year-old daredevil was taken into custody at the top.

冒失鬼将准备好的早餐递到了妻子面前。Daredevil will be ready before breakfast handed it to his wife.

一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today.

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布劳姆·凡·布鲁恩特骑着他那匹跑得最快的,叫达瑞威尔的马去了晚会。Brom Van Brunt rode to the party on his fastest horse called Daredevil.

忘却了我那个冒失鬼妹妹几乎从莫赫山的峭壁跌落。Forget my daredevil sister practically dangling off the Cliffs of Moher.

玄会长让振国分开麒麟艺高去留学。The xuan President let enterprise separate kylin daredevil to go abroad.

据信这些野山羊爬上高墙是为了舔石块,并获取其中的盐分和矿物质。It's thought the daredevil head there to lick the stones for salt and minerals.

勇敢和戴西喜欢在空中走钢厂丝绳,而喜欢杂耍的杰克却愿意双脚沾地。Daredevil Daisy likes the highwire, but juggler Jack prefers his feet firmly on the ground.

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我们似乎可以看到某个弗里蒙特的冒失鬼曾通过这条小路到达另一端的两个粮仓。We could see the route some Fremont daredevil had used to reach a ledge with two granaries.

这是一个令人惊叹的时刻,一个艺高胆大的皮划艇选手从将近一百英尺高的瀑布上划了下来。This is the jaw-dropping moment a daredevil kayaker paddled down a waterfall almost 100ft high.

这位法籍的勇者已成功登上超过70座世界摩天大楼,其中包括台北101大楼。The French daredevil has climbed over 70 of the world's tallest buildings including Taiwan's 101.

在新泽西州纽瓦克,一名惊险高空钢丝表演者骑着自行车在135英尺的高空中行走,下面没有铺设安全网。High above Newark , New Jersey, a high wire daredevil takes a bike-ride at 135 feet up without a net.

夜幕降临,和午夜骑士摆脱阴影和竞争夜魔侠比赛穿过城市。Night falls, andtheMidnight Riders emerge fromtheshadows and compete daredevil races through the city.

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英吉利海峡上空出现了奇怪的物体,一个胆大的特技男子携带机翼和涡轮机。Something strange in the air over the English Channel, a daredevil stunt man wearing wings and jet turbines.

夜幕降临,和午夜骑士摆脱阴影和竞争夜魔侠比赛穿过城市。Night falls, and the Midnight Riders emerge from the shadows and compete in daredevil races through the city.

以惊险特技动作闻名的香港影视明星成龙表示,好莱坞的安全条规让他在拍片时受到很多限制。Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan, famous for his daredevil stunts , says he's frustrated by Hollywood's safety rules.