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向左转,您就会看见它了。Tum left and you'll see it.

找旧的,回到那里去。Tum the old, return to them.

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你能把灯打开吗?Could you tum on the light, please?

他们有困难的时候,总是来找我寻求帮助。They always tum to me when they are in trouble.

我在一条公路上拐错了弯儿,迷路了。I took the wrong tum off the main highway and got lost.

相纸收纸错误,相纸已卡纸在转向导轨1。NO. 069 Paper rewinding error, Paper is jammed at tum guide 1.

MRM可展示充盈缺损和肿块,定位明确。MRM can display turgor defect and tum or with precise location.

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慕尼黑科技大学人类生物学的研究人员正按这个线索继续进行研究。The TUM researchers in human biology are blazing a trail as they follow this lead.

身体左侧的转动与鞭打是提高投掷远度的关键因素。The tum and overarm whip of one's left side is the key factor of the distance in shot putting.

“比起航天飞机,一辆宝马车所需的软件要更多,”慕尼黑工大的信息学教授曼弗雷德·布洛伊如是说。“A BMW has more software than the space shuttle,” says Manfred Broy, a professor of information technology at TUM.

普洛斯先生伟大先祖在他身上所留下屈指可数留的痕迹包括他明显的臃肿却敦实的身材和对小皮帽的偏爱。L. Prosser of his mighty ancestry were a pronounced stoutness about the tum and a predilection for little fur hats.

“比起航天飞机,一辆宝马车所需的软件要更多,”慕尼黑工大的信息学教授曼弗雷德·布洛伊如是说。"A BMW has more software than the space shuttle, " says Manfred Broy, a professor of information technology at TUM.

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然而,由于自然风化的破坏以及重大自然灾害的威胁,这个人类艺术的宝库变得非常脆弱。Because Dunhuang Grotto locates the Gobi area havingatrOcious weather, muras are threatened by many diseases and tUm tO be very frail.

而他的榜样更激发了其他许许多多创造历史的人物,如小马丁·路德·金、瓦茨拉夫·哈维尔、里戈贝塔·门丘·图姆和纳尔逊·曼德拉。His example has inspired many other history-makers such as Martin Luther King Jr. , Václav Havel, Rigoberta Menchú Tum and Nelson Mandela.

实验结果表明,在酸性镀液中加入TUM系列添加剂可以明显改善镀液的稳定性。It is proved through experiments that the stability of the acid bath has been greatly improved after adding the series of TUM additives in it.

近日,德国慕尼黑科技大学的科学家研制出一种柴油机,这种柴油机几乎可以达到要求苛刻的欧Ⅵ排放标准。Scientists at the Technical University of Munich, TUM have developed a diesel engine that is already close to meeting the more stringent Euro 6 emissions standard.

西部大开发是西部地区在新一轮改革开放条件下实现经济腾飞的千载良机。Development of the west region, which can make its economy leap forward, is a rare opportunity for the west area during another tum of reform & opening to the outside world.